Hrvoje Bubić: Intervju s metal bendom Thou
Thou je metal bend iz Baton Rouge, Louisiane. Za Solin Live, njihov frontmen Bryan Funck govori o tkz. „sludge metalu“ ( podvrsta metal glazbe, op.prev.), brojnim obradama, inspiraciji iz grunge glazbe, straigh edge ideologiji, DIY pristupu glazbenom industriji kao i budućim suradnjama.
For start, please tell us about your start, the influence ( I notice a lots of grunge as well black metal), Lousiana metal/hardcore scene now and then, is there a difference between U.S. and Europe (like tour,releasing the albums,fans,etc.) and what you think about label “sludge metal” ?
Influences: Ellen Jane Rogers, Grant Morrison, Barry Windsor-Smith, Craig Mulcahy, Teddie Taylor, Lingua Ignota, Born Against, Thomas Ligotti, Crimethinc, The Weatherman Underground, The Situationists, The Bonnot Gang, Kate Bush, Mystic Inane, Fiona Apple, Blood Incatation, Hell, Mizmor, Jim Croce.
Metal and hardcore seems the same all over the world—full of poseurs, record nerds, neanderthals, and a tiny sliver of authentic and interesting people.
“Sludge metal“ is a good shorthand to describe some bands like Grief, Noothgrush, Acrid, Cavity, Hawg Jaw, etc.
Unlike from the rest of bands of Lousiana scene, you got your own access to the music, fans as well music industry, so I would dare to call you a true punk rockers – true DIY spirit, with NO DRUGS & ALCOHOL attitude, awsome covers of Nirvana ( I notice some special connection with them), Soundgarden, Nine Inch Nails and even Duran Duran
Only a third of us are straightedge, unfortunately. I wish we had more vegans too.
You released a lots of material from different label, which I would love to mention are albums like Hethen, You, Whom I Have Always Hated ( split album with The Body), Sylvia Rhea. Please tell us something about your albums, why you always release albums from different labels, from where you drain inspiration and is it true that you have a plan to release a sort of grunge tribute album?
I like to think that all of our records are love letters to Kurdt Cobain and Eddie Vedder, but the Rhea Sylvia EP is maybe the one you’re referring to. It’s probably as close as we’ll get to a grunge record—till the next one!
We like to think of labels the same way we think of other musicians and bands: as collaborators. So sometimes it’s more engaging for us to fit a certain record to a particular label. Other times, it’s just a way for us to maintain relationships with people we love and respect.
Thou is formed since 2005.,what is your ”recipe” to stay yours, did you got any side projects or collabration outside the Thou, with whom you would love to collaborate and what are your activities among the music?
We keep the tours short enough to not kill each other! We’ve all been or are currently in other bands. Treadles, The World is a Vampire, Supplicate, Yautja, Mehenet, Thantifaxath, Silver Godling are all still active. We’ve also been in Barghest, Subservient Fuck, Bloody Mummers, Gnarwhal, Chopsley, We Need to Talk, Torn Apart by Horses, Sugar Cookies, Baby Boy, Eat a Bag of Dicks, etc.
For the end, what are your future plans, new album or collaboration, and would be ever a show here in Split?
We’ll be recording a collaboration record with Emma Ruth Rundle in August, as well as some covers for Magnetic Records tribute albums to Black Sabbath and Alice in Chains. After that, it’s back to writing for some Thou-proper releases.
We’d love to travel everywhere we possibly can. Only time, energy, and finances are holding us back.
Za početak, molim Vas recite nam o svojim počecima, utjecajima (primjetio sam dosta utjecaja grungea kao i black metala), ), Lousiana metal/hardcore scena sad i nekad, razlike između u SAD-u i Europe (kao turneja,izdavanje albuma, fanovi, itd.), što Vi mislite o izrazu „sludge metal“?
Utjecaji: Ellen Jane Rogers, Grant Morrison, Barry Windsor-Smith, Craig Mulcahy, Teddie Taylor, Lingua Ignota, Born Against, Thomas Ligotti, Crimethinc, The Weatherman Underground, The Situationists, The Bonnot Gang, Kate Bush, Mystic Inane, Fiona Apple, Blood Incatation, Hell, Mizmor, Jim Croce.
Metal and hardcore se čini isti u cijelo svijetu: pun pozera, album šmokljana, neandertalaca, i sitini tračak autentičnih i interesantnih ljudi.
“Sludge metal“ je dobra stenografija za opisati bendove kao što su Grief, Noothgrush, Acrid, Cavity, Hawg Jaw, itd.
Za razliku od ostalih bandova Lousiane scene, Vi imate svoj pristup glazbi, fanovima kao i glazbenoj industriji, stoga bih se usudio nazvati istinskim punkerima – istinski DIY (do it yourself – učini sam, op. prev.), s NE ALKOHOLU I DROGI stavu, sjajne obrade Nirvane ( primjetio sam posebnu povezanost s njima), Soundgarden, Nine Inch Nails čak i Duran Duran.
Samo trećina nas je straigh edge (predstavlja supkulturu okupljenu u i oko hardcore punk glazbe. Osobe koje sebe smatraju strejterima ne puše, ne piju, ne uzimaju droge kao ni druge opijate, op. prev.) nažalost. Želio bih da imamo više vegana.
Izdali ste dosta materijala s različitih diskografskih kuća, od kojih bih volio spomeniti albume kao što su Hethen, You, Whom I Have Always Hated (split album s The Body), Sylvia Rhea. Molim Vas nešto o svojim albumima, zašto uvijek izdajete albume s različitih diskografskih kuća, odakle crpite inspiraciju i jeli istina da imate u planu izdati neku vrst grunge tribute albuma?
Volim misliti da su naši albumi ljubavna pisma Kurdtu Cobainu i Eddie Vedderu (grunge prvoborci, op.prev.), ali Sylvia Rea EP je taj na koji misliš. To je najvjerojatnije najbliže što smo bili grunge albumu – sve do sljedećeg albuma!
Volimo misliti o diskografskim kućama na isti način kao što mislimo o glazbenicima i bendovima: kao suradnicima. Dakle, ponekad nam je zanimljivije da određeni album za određenu diskografsku kuću. U drugim slučajevima, to je samo način da održimo odnose s ljudima koje volimo i poštujemo.
Thou je osnovan 2005., koji je Vaš „recept“ za ostati svoji, jeste li imali neke sporedne projekte ili suradnju van Thou, s kim bi voljeli surađivati i koje su Vaše aktivnosti uz glazbu?
Održajemo turneje kratko dovoljno da se ne pobijemo međusobno! Svi smo bili ili smo trenutno u drugim bendovima: Treadles, The World is a Vampire, Supplicate, Yautja, Mehenet, Thantifaxath, Silver Godling su i dalje aktivni. Također smo bili u Barghest, Subservient Fuck, Bloody Mummers, Gnarwhal, Chopsley, We Need to Talk, Torn Apart by Horses, Sugar Cookies, Baby Boy, Eat a Bag of Dicks, itd.
Za kraj, koji su Vam budući planovi, novi album ili suradnja, i hoće li ikako biti koncert u Splitu?
Snimati ćemo album u suradnji s Emmom Ruth Rundle u kolovozu, kao i obrade za Magnetic Records tribute albume za Black Sabbath i Alice in Chains. Nakon toga se vraćamo pisanju materijala za Thou izdanja.
Voljeli bismo putovati svugdje gdje možemo. Samo vrijeme, energija i financije nas zadržavaju.