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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




Jack Endino, čuveni producent, najpoznatiji po radu s imenima kao što su Nirvana, L7, Soundgarden, Mudhoney. Imao sam već priliku predstaviti njegov opus lokalnoj javnosti, a sad je riječ o njegovom novom samostalnom albumu Set Myself On Fire. Cijeli album sadrži 15 pjesama, a kao dosada, album je nastao u suradnji s veteranima scene Seattlea.

Album počinje s Wantoly, Toast The Sun,za koje bi kazao da su najbolji primjer Endinovog gitarističkog umjeća.

Shadow World, (koja je već prije objavljena kao split single s Basement Seasons), Been Here Before, Save My Darkest Side Me, Something For Nothing, osjeća se duh Endinovog prijašnjeg benda, Skin Yarda (gdje je bio gitarist), pionira tog glazbenog pokreta, grunge. Iako je Endino poznat kao producent tog glazbenog pravca, zbog čega nosi titulu “Kum grungea”, ovo je u zapravo najbolji dokaz da kao gitarist zaslužuje tu titulu.

Album sadrži instrumentale, a svaki intrumental je u različitom stilu. Za Behind Enemy Lines bi kazao da je blizu jam sessionu, Polythelia u stilu rocka 70’ih, i We’re Surrounded By Trees dosta naginje prema psihodeličnom zvuku.

Jasno, tu ima stvari koje su dosta u duhu punk rocka kao što su Ramonsi, kao što su Welcome Back, Coccaine Roomate (koja se već prije pojavila na kompilaciji Shut The Fuck Up & Listen Vol.8.). Da je Endino sljedbenik Black Sabbatha, najbolje se vidi kod stvari kao što su Sterm The Decline, Behind The Sunset.

Naslovna pjesma, Set Myself On Fire (koja je već prije objavljena na EP Rumble), čistokrvni je hard rock s jazz strukturom, zbog čega me podsjetila na King Crimson.

Za kraj, kazao bih za album Endino u jednu ruku daje počast svojim utjecajima, kao i prethodnom bendu, Skin Yard. Na albumu prevladavaju čvrsti riffovi i odlični solo, kakvog se nebi posramili niti veliki bendovi. Bez obzira koji stil preferirate (rock, punk, grunge, metal, itd.), poslušajte ga, nećete požaliti.


Jack Endino, a famous producer, best known for working with names like Nirvana, L7, Soundgarden, Mudhoney. I have already had the opportunity to present his opus to the local public, and now it is about his new solo album Set Myself On Fire. The entire album contains 15 songs, and as usual, the album was created in collaboration with veterans of the Seattle scene.

The album begins with Wantoly, Toast The Sun, which he would say are the best example of Endino’s guitar skills.

Shadow World, (previously released as a split single with Basement Seasons), Been Here Before, Save My Darkest Side Me, Something For Nothing, feels the spirit of Endin’s previous band, Skin Yard (where he was guitarist), a pioneer of that musical movement, grunge. Although Endino is known as the producer of that musical direction, which is why he bears the title of “Godfather Grunge”, this is in fact the best proof that as a guitarist he deserves that title.

The album contains instrumentals, and each instrumental is in a different style. For Behind Enemy Lines I would say it’s close to a jam session, Polythelia in the ’70s rock style, and We’re Surrounded By Trees leaning a lot towards psychedelic sound.

Clearly, there are things that are quite in the spirit of punk rock like the Ramones, such as Welcome Back, Coccaine Roomate (which has previously appeared on the compilation Shut The Fuck Up & Listen Vol.8.). That Endino is a follower of Black Sabbath is best seen in stuff like Sterm The Decline, Behind The Sunset.

The title track, Set Myself On Fire (previously released on the EP Rumble), is purebred hard rock with a jazz structure, which is why it reminded me of King Crimson.

For the end, I would say for the album Endino on the one hand pays homage to his influences, as well as the previous band, Skin Yard. The album is dominated by solid riffs and a great solo, which even big bands wouldn’t be ashamed of. No matter which style you prefer (rock, punk, grunge, metal, etc.), listen to it, you won’t regret it.



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