Rusty Burke, predsjednik/predsjednik odbora Zaklade Robert E. Howard, koja se bavi ostavštinom pisca Roberta E. Howarda, čiji je najpoznatiji lik barbarin Conan. Za SolinLive nam govori o sebi, o samom piscu I njegovoj ostavštini, ekranizacijama I budućim projektima
To begin with, could you introduce yourself to us and tell us something about yourself?
I’m Rusty Burke, President/Chairman of the Board of the Robert E. Howard Foundation. I became a Howard fan in 1971 when a fellow student in a college class gave me a copy of Conan the Barbarian #4 after I’d referred to comics as “kid stuff.” Thanks to Roy Thomas pointing to Howard’s work as the basis for the comics, I looked for the books. In 1980 I joined the Robert E. Howard United Press Association (REHupa), in which members produce their own fanzines to be aggregated and sent out to the membership. This introduced me to the wider world of REH fans. During the next decade, I became an advocate for “pure text” REH, because I felt that, as an original artist, he deserved to have his work stand apart from any “posthumous collaborators,” “pasticheurs,” and so on. In the late 1990s, I got my chance to help with that effort when Marcelo Anciano joined REHupa and said he’d be publishing a Solomon Kane collection. He (and Jack and Barbara Baum, who at that time controlled the rights) gave me the opportunity to provide the texts, meticulously restored to Howard’s original versions by David Gentzel and myself, for the Kane book, and then to serve as the series editor for the Wandering Star REH Library, which in turn led to the Del Rey books.
I organized a trip to Cross Plains, Texas, in 1986, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Howard’s death, and was joined by ten others. That visit sparked an ongoing relationship between the Friends of the Library in Cross Plains, and shortly thereafter Project Pride, and the members of REHupa. In 1989 we visited just after Project Pride had bought the Howard House, and about 1991 they started an annual Robert E. Howard Days celebration which has grown now to where it brings as many as 300 fans from all over the world to Cross Plains. It’s been really gratifying to see my dream, first spoken of when Vern Clark and I went to Cross Plains in 1985, realized, that Howard fans could one day have the opportunity to come see where he lived and worked, and fully appreciate the genius that created such fantastic and exotic worlds from such unassuming surroundings. (I find Central West Texas beautiful, but it took real imagination to turn those hills and plains into Pictish lands, or 16th Century England or Africa, or Afghan mountains, or the myriad countries of the Hyborian Age.)
As far as non-REH life, I’m retired from a career in aptitude testing and research, and now spend time on genealogy when not occupied with Howard studies.
Please tell us, who is Robert E. Howard?
A brilliantly gifted teller of action and adventure stories. His career lasted a mere 12 years (sold his first story in 1924, died by his own hand in 1936), but during that time wrote some 300 stories (and 800 poems) that are still gaining new fans all over the world. His most famous creation, Conan of Cimmeria, was created in 1932, and features in only 21 completed tales by REH. He wrote other stories with his unique blend of fantasy and horror (what came to be called “sword and sorcery”), including tales of Kull of Atlantis, the Pictish king Bran Mak Morn, Irish outlaws Turlogh Dubh O’Brien and Cormac Mac Art, Puritan avenger Solomon Kane, and others, but still this does not account for most of his output. He wrote many boxing stories (Sailor Steve Costigan is featured in more than 30), humorous western stories (among which 19 are about Breckinridge Elkins), other westerns, detective stories, Oriental adventures, historical adventures, and others for the pulp magazines of the 1920s and ‘30s. These were inexpensive magazines that were the most popular entertainment media of the time, until movies with sound came along. Characters such as Tarzan, Doc Savage, and The Shadow emerged from the pulps. And during his brief career, Howard rose to popularity in the magazines that published him. Those who know only his Conan or sword-and-sorcery tales are missing out on a lot of great adventure writing!
Howard was also a prolific and gifted poet, perhaps one of the best to emerge from the world of pulp authors (along with Clark Ashton Smith). His love of poetry was deep, and shines through in his prose.
Could you tell us a little about the ROBERT E. HOWARD FOUNDATION, the motivation for starting it, and the people behind it?
In 2006, Fred Malmberg of Paradox Entertainment, who had recently acquired the rights to Howard’s works, asked Paul Herman, Glenn Lord, and me to join him at Robert E. Howard Days for a discussion. He proposed to us the creation of a foundation that would publish the works by REH that larger, commercial publishers did not want to do, would promote Howard’s literary legacy, and would provide support for Project Pride and the Robert E Howard House Museum. Glenn could not take an official role in the Foundation for personal reasons, but Paul, who is an intellectual property attorney, worked with Paradox’s legal staff to set up the non-profit corporation. For legal reasons, he also had to set up a separate corporation to publish and sell books, the Robert E Howard Foundation Press. All the money that the Press receives from books is donated to the Foundation, which in turn donates money to Project Pride, scholarships, and other worthy causes.
When we started, I became President and Chairman of the Board, and Paul became Treasurer, with Patrice Louinet, and Fred Malmberg and Peter Sederowsky of Paradox as other directors. The current board consists of me, Paul, Patrice, and Fred, as well as John Bullard, Bill Cavalier, Mark Finn, Rob Roehm, Jeff Shanks, and Jay Zetterberg.
Our mission statement is posted on our website, Our goals include: acquiring, managing, and conserving archives and collections of Howard’s work and personal items; assisting scholars, historians, fans, and others that are researching Howard’s life and legacy; supporting Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas, each year;
helping support and maintain Robert’s personal home and museum in Cross Plains, Texas; and making Howard’s works available through multiple channels.
As of 2019, the Foundation had published all of Howard’s work that was not included in the Del Rey books, 27 books of stories, poetry, letters, and ephemera (like high school papers, school newspaper pieces, and other material). Our quarterly newsletter, available to Friend and Legacy Circle level members, regularly publishes drafts of REH’s fiction, poetry, and letters.
Tell us about projects like R.E.H. Days, Howard Works?
Robert E. Howard Days was started by the members of Project Pride, the community organization in Cross Plains, Texas, that owns and operates the Robert E. Howard House and Museum. It had its origin in a trip I organized in 1986 to bring about ten members of REHupa to Cross Plains in observance of the 50th anniversary of Howard’s death. On that trip, we met and became good friends with the librarian at the Cross Plains Public Library, Billie Ruth Loving, and the president of the Friends of the Library group, Joan McCowen. We continued to correspond with them for the next couple of years, and I visited them several times from my then-home in Houston. In 1989, members of REHupa decided to meet in Cross Plains to so that our 100th mailing could have a Cross Plains postmark. Ms. Loving told us they’d have a surprise for us when we arrived. We came to learn that several members of the community had formed a group called Project Pride to encourage efforts to keep Cross Plains a beautiful and vibrant town. Inspired by our earlier visit, they had been thinking of ways to promote Howard, and it happened that the Howard house came up for sale. Several Project Pride members pooled their resources and bought the house, which we REHupans got to enter for the first time when we arrived in November 1989. We joined with Project Pride to publicize the need for donations to help them pay off the mortgage and perform needed repairs and remodeling. Howard fans and Project Pride have had a long and rewarding friendship. In the early 1990s, Project Pride began sponsoring an annual Robert E. Howard Day in June, and over the next few years some of the elements we now associate with Howard Days, like a dinner with a guest speaker, tours of the house, and so on, came to be. By the end of the ‘90s, Billie Ruth Loving had encouraged us to help her make the event bigger, bring in Howard fans and scholars as speakers, and have an actual program with panels. It’s been going strong ever since, and in the last few years has drawn 300 attendees or more.
HowardWorks started as a project by Paul Herman and Bill Thom to put Paul’s REH bibliography, The Neverending Hunt, online. Eventually Bill took it over, and has worked very hard to make it the most complete Howard reference on the web. I use it almost every day. Just yesterday I noticed an error in a listing for something I was working on, so I wrote to Bill about it: he’s very receptive to making HowardWorks the best it can possibly be. The Foundation took on the sponsorship of the site as part of our mission to promote Howard scholarship.
What about hard-to-find or unpublished works?
The only unpublished works left are early drafts of some published stories, and a lot of miscellaneous draft pages. All the stories, poems, letters, and other works by Howard, complete or incomplete, have now been published, either by the Foundation or Del Rey Books. As for hard-to-find, that is still something we’re working on. As the Foundation Press editions go out of print, we hope to move them to print-on-demand publication, both hardcover and paperback. It is proving to be a slow process for now but we hope to gain some momentum soon.
What is your opinion about the adaptation and the film about Robert E. Howard?
I have not been impressed with the films that claimed to be about Howard’s characters. I understand that there are people who enjoy them, and as long as it brings them to REH, I can accept that. After all, I started with comics.
The film about Howard, though, The Whole Wide World, I love it. There are a few scenes I didn’t think reflected reality (and weren’t in the book), but on the whole I thought it was superb, and I recommend it all the time to people who are not fantasy/comics/gaming fans and ask me about REH. D’Onofrio does a great job, Zellwegger is a terrific young Novalyne, and the screenplay by Michael Scott Myers maintains remarkable fidelity to Novalyne’s memoir. I met Michael when he was just setting out to adapt the book, and at Mrs. Ellis’s (Novalyne’s) request, I met him and showed him around the Cross Plains area. We remain good friends, and he sometimes is able to make it to Robert E. Howard Days.
For the end, what are your future projects? What would you recommend to our readers?
Right now I’m working with Michael Tierney on his Robert E. Howard Art Chronology, a four-volume set showcasing a vast amount of the art that has accompanied Howard’s work since the 1920s, in pulps and other magazines, book covers, comics, and other media. My role in this is primarily just some proof-reading and fact-checking. I work too slowly to keep up a pace like Michael does! But I think it’s going to be a nice product.
I’m working on a couple of articles about Howard, but they’re not far enough along to say anything about. I’ve done quite a bit of Foundation work lately. And I’m trying to find more time to devote to family genealogy, which has long been an interest of mine, and which I thought I’d have more time for when I retired. It appears that I can still find plenty of things to keep me busy!
Well, of course I recommend reading Robert E. Howard! I particularly point out that I selected the stories for the Del Rey Best of Robert E Howard volumes so there would be a representative sampling of his work. It’s got the Big Guys, like Conan, Kull, Bran, Solomon Kane, Turlogh O’Brien. It’s got boxing, western, horror. It’s got historicals (some of my favorites). It’s got poetry. So if you don’t find something in those volumes you like, you’re not going to be a fan of Robert E. Howard. My bet, though, is that new readers will be surprised at the range and depth of Howard’s writing, and that he’ll continue picking up new fans for years to come.
1.Možete li nam se za početak predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?
Ja sam Rusty Burke, predsjednik/predsjednik odbora Zaklade Robert E. Howard. Ja sam postao obožavatelj Howarda 1971. kada mi je kolega student na fakultetu dao primjerak Conan the Barbarian #4 nakon što sam stripove nazvao “dječjim stvarima”. Hvala Royu Thomasu ukazujući na Howardovo djelo kao osnovu za stripove, potražio sam knjige. Pridružio sam se 1980. Robert E. Howard United Press Association (REHupa), u kojem članovi proizvode svoje vlastite fanzine koji će se prikupiti i poslati članstvu. Ovo me upoznalo s širem svijetu ljubitelja REH-a. Tijekom sljedećeg desetljeća postao sam zagovornik “čistog teksta” REH, jer sam smatrao da, kao originalni umjetnik, zaslužuje da se njegovo djelo izdvoji od svih “posthumni suradnici”, “imitatori” i tako dalje. Krajem devedesetih dobio sam priliku pomoći u tom nastojanju kada se Marcelo Anciano pridružio REHupi i rekao da će objaviti Zbirku Solomona Kanea. On (i Jack i Barbara Baum, koji su u to vrijeme kontrolirali prava) pružio mi je priliku da dostavim tekstove, pedantno restaurirane Howardu originalne verzije Davida Gentzela i mene, za Kaneovu knjigu, a zatim poslužiti kao urednika serije za Wandering Star REH Library, što je zauzvrat dovelo do knjiga Del Rey (izdavačka kuća, op.prev.).
Organizirao sam putovanje u Cross Plains, Teksas (rodno mjesto pisca Roberta E. Howarda, op.prev.), 1986., kako bih obilježio 50. godišnjicu Howardove smrti, a pridružilo im se još deset drugih. Taj je posjet potaknuo nastavak odnosa između Friends of the Library (neprofitne, dobrotvorne grupe osnovane za potporu knjižnicama u svojim zajednicama, op.prev.) u Cross Plainsu, a nedugo nakon toga Projekt Pride (društvena organizacija u Cross Plainsu, Texas, koja je kupila i obnovila kuću Roberta E. Howarda uz financijsku potporu obožavatelja REH-a diljem svijeta, op.prev.) , te članovi REHupe (amaterska novinska udruga koja je usredotočena na Howarda i njegovo pisanje, op.prev.). Posjetili smo 1989. neposredno nakon što je Project Pride kupio Howard House, a oko 1991. započeli su godišnju proslavu Dana Roberta E. Howarda koji je sada narastao do toga da dovodi čak 300 obožavatelja iz cijelog svijeta u Cross Plains. Bilo je stvarno zadovoljstvo vidjeti svoj san, prvi put spomenut kada smo Vern Clark i ja otišli u Cross Plains 1985., shvatio, da bi obožavatelji Howarda jednog dana mogli imati priliku doči vidjeti gdje je živio i radio i u potpunosti cijeniti genija koji je stvorio fantastične i egzotične svjetove iz tako skromnog okruženja. (Smatram središnji zapadni Teksas prelijepim, ali bila je potrebna prava mašta da se ta brda i ravnice pretvore u piktske zemlje, ili 16. Stoljeća Engleska ili Afrika, ili afganistanske planine, ili bezbrojne zemlje Hiborianskog Doba).
Što se tiče života izvan REH-a, povukao sam se iz karijere u testiranju sposobnosti i istraživanju, i sada provodim vrijeme na genealogiji kada nisam zaokupljen proučavanjem Howarda.
2. Recite nam, molim Vas, tko je Robert E. Howard?
Briljantno nadaren pripovjedač akcijskih i pustolovnih priča. Njegova karijera trajala je samo 12 godina (prodao svoju prvu priču 1924., umro vlastitom rukom 1936.), ali je tijekom tog vremena napisao nekoliko 300 priča (i 800 pjesama) koje još uvijek stječu nove obožavatelje diljem svijeta. Njegovo najviše poznata kreacija, Conan iz Cimmerije, stvorena je 1932., a nalazi se u samo 21 dovršenoj priče od REH. Napisao je i druge priče svojom jedinstvenom mješavinom fantazije i horora (ono što je došlo nazvati “sword & sorcery”(podžanr fantazije karakteriziran herojima s mačevima koji su uključeni u uzbudljive i nasilne pustolovine, op.prev.)), uključujući priče o Kullu iz Atlantide, piktskom kralju Bran Maku Morn, irski odmetnici Turlogh Dubh O’Brien i Cormac Mac Art, puritanski osvetnik Solomon Kanea i drugih, ali to još uvijek ne predstavlja većinu njegovih rezultata. Napisao je mnoge boksačke priče (mornar Steve Costigan pojavljuje se u više od 30), duhovite vestern priče (među kojima 19 o Breckinridgeu Elkinsu), ostali vesterni, detektivske priče, orijentalne pustolovine, povijesne pustolovine i druge za pulp časopise 1920-ih i 30-ih.Bili su to jeftini časopisi koji su bili najpopularniji mediji zabave u svijetu vremena, dok se nisu pojavili filmovi sa zvukom.
Likovi kao što su Tarzan, Doc Savage i The Shadow se pojavili iz pulpa. A tijekom svoje kratke karijere Howard je postao popularan u časopisima koji su ga objavili. Oni koji znaju samo njegovog Conana ili sword-and-sorcery priče propuštaju puno sjajnih avanturističkih tekstova!
Howard je također bio plodan i darovit pjesnik, možda jedan od najboljih koji je nastao iz svijet pulp autora (uz Clarka Ashtona Smitha). Njegova ljubav prema poeziji bila je duboka, i blista u njegovoj prozi.
- Could you tell us a little about the ROBERT E. HOWARD FOUNDATION, the motivation for starting it, and the people behind it?
2006. Fred Malmberg iz Paradox Entertainmenta, koji je nedavno stekao prava na Howardovih radova, zamolio Paula Hermana, Glenna Lorda i mene da mu se pridružimo u Danima Robert E. Howardu za raspravu. Predložio nam je osnivanje zaklade koja bi izdavala promovirala bi djela REH-a koju veći, komercijalni izdavači nisu htjeli raditi Howardovu književnu ostavštinu i pružit će potporu za Project Pride i Muzej Robert E. Howarda . Glenn nije mogao osobno preuzeti službenu ulogu u Zakladi zbog osobnih razloga, ali Paul, koji je odvjetnik za intelektualno vlasništvo, radio je s Paradoxovim pravnim osobljem za osnivanje neprofitne korporacije. Iz pravnih je razloga također morao osnovati zasebnu korporaciju za izdavanje i prodaju knjiga, Robert E Howard Foundation Press. Sav novac koje Press dobiva od knjiga daruje se Foundation, koja pak donira novac za Project Pride, stipendije i druge vrijedne svrhe.
Kad smo počeli, ja sam postao predsjednik i predsjednik uprave, a Paul je postao blagajnik, s Patriceom Louinetom, Fredom Malmbergom i Peterom Sederowskim iz Paradoxa kao drugi direktori. Trenutačni odbor sastoji se od mene, Paula, Patricea i Freda, kao i Johna Bullard, Bill Cavalier, Mark Finn, Rob Roehm, Jeff Shanks i Jay Zetterberg.
Naša izjava o misiji objavljena je na našoj web stranici, Naši ciljevi uključuju: stjecanje, upravljanje i očuvanje arhiva i zbirki Howardovog rada i osobni predmeti; pomaganje znanstvenicima, povjesničarima, obožavateljima i drugima koji istražuju Howardov život i ostavština; podupiranje Dana Roberta E. Howarda u Cross Plainsu, Texas, svake godine; pomoć u podršci i održavanju Robertove osobne kuće i muzeja u Cross Plainsu, Texas; i učiniti Howardova djela dostupnima putem više kanala.
Od 2019. Zaklada je objavila sve Howardove radove koji nisu bili uključeni u Del Rey knjigama, 27 knjiga priča, poezije, pisama i efemera (poput srednje škole papiri, članci školskih novina i drugi materijal). Naš tromjesečni bilten dostupan na Friend and Legacy Circle na razini, redovito objavljuju nacrte REH-ove fikcije, poezije, i pisma.
4. Recite nam nešto o projektima poput R.E.H. Days, Howard Works?
Robert E. Howard Days (Dami Roberta E. Howarda, op.prev.) pokrenuli su članovi zajednice Project Pride organizacija u Cross Plainsu, Texas, koja posjeduje i upravlja Kućom Robert E. Howarda i Muzejem. Počelo je to putovanje koje sam organizirao 1986. godine s desetak članova REHupe u Cross Plains u povodu 50. obljetnice Howardove smrti. Na tom putu smo se upoznali i postali dobri prijatelji s knjižničarkom u javnoj knjižnici Cross Plains, Billie Ruth Loving i predsjednica grupe Friends of the Library Joan McCowen. Nastavili smo dopisivati se s njima idućih par godina, a posjetio sam ih nekoliko puta iz moga tadašnjeg doma u Houstonu.
Tijekom 1989. članovi REHupe odlučili su se sastati u Cross Plainsu kako bi bi naša 100. pošiljka mogla imati poštanski žig Cross Plains. Gospođa Loving rekla nam je da će imati iznenađenje za nas kad smo stigli. Doznali smo da nekoliko članova zajednice formirao je grupu pod nazivom Project Pride kako bi potaknuo napore da se Cross Plains održi lijepim i živopisan grad. Potaknuti našim prethodnim posjetom, smišljali su načine kako promovirati Howarda, i dogodilo se da je kuća Howardovih došla na prodaju. Nekoliko projekata ponosa članovi su udružili svoje resurse i kupili kuću u koju smo mi REHupa morali ući prvi put kada smo stigli u studenom 1989. Udružili smo se s projektom Pride kako bismo objavili potreba za donacijama koje će im pomoći da otplate hipoteku i obave potrebne popravke i preuređenje. Obožavatelji Howarda i Project Pride imaju dugo i vrijedno prijateljstvo. U ranih 1990-ih, Project Pride počeo je sponzorirati godišnji Dan Roberta E. Howarda u lipnju, a tijekom sljedećih nekoliko godina neki od elemenata koje sada povezujemo s Howardovim danima, poput večera s gostom govornikom, obilasci kuće i tako dalje. Do kraja 90-ih, Billie Ruth Loving ohrabrila nas je da joj pomognemo da događaj bude veći, da ga uključimo Obožavatelji Howarda i znanstvenici kao govornici i imaju stvarni program s panelima. Bilo je od tada postaje sve snažniji, a u posljednjih nekoliko godina privukao je 300 ili više sudionika.
HowardWorks je započeo kao projekt Paula Hermana i Billa Thoma da postave Paulovu REH bibliografiju, The Neverending Hunt, online. Na kraju ga je Bill preuzeo i jako je radio teško je to učiniti najpotpunijom Howardovom referencom na webu. Koristim ga skoro svaki dan. Upravo sam jučer primijetio pogrešku u popisu za nešto na čemu sam radio, pa sam pisao Billu o tome: on je vrlo spreman učiniti HowardWorks najboljim mogućim. Zaklada je preuzela pokroviteljstvo stranice kao dio naše misije promoviranja Howard stipendija.
5. Što je s teško dostupnim ili neobjavljenim djelima?
Jedini neobjavljeni radovi koji su ostali su rani nacrti nekih objavljenih priča, i to mnogo stranica raznih nacrta. Sve Howardove priče, pjesme, pisma i druga djela, potpuni ili nepotpuni, sada su objavljeni, bilo od strane Foundation ili Del Reya knjige. Što se tiče teško dostupnih, to je nešto na čemu još uvijek radimo. Kad Foundation Press izdanja izađu iz tiska, nadamo se da ćemo ih premjestiti na tiskanje na zahtjev, oboje tvrdi i meki uvez. Za sada se pokazalo da je to spor proces, ali nadamo se da ćemo dobiti uskoro neki zamah.
6. Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o adaptaciji i filmu o Robertu E. Howardu?
Nisam bio impresioniran filmovima koji su tvrdili da govore o Howardovim likovima. Ja shvaćam da postoje ljudi koji uživaju u njima, i dokle god ih to dovodi u REH, mogu prihvatiti to. Uostalom, ja sam počeo sa stripom.
Film o Howardu, The Whole Wide World (biografski film rađen prema knjizi bivše djevojke Roberta E. Howarda, Novalyne Price,op.prev.), volim ga. Postoji nekoliko scena za koje mislim da nisu održavale stvarnost (i nisu bile u knjizi), ali u cjelini sam mislim da jest super, i cijelo vrijeme ga preporučujem ljudima koji nisu ljubitelji fantazije/stripova/igara i pitaj me za REH. D’Onofrio (glumac koji je glumio Roberta E. Howarda, op.prev.) odradio je sjajan posao, Zellwegger je sjajna mlada Novalyne, a scenarij Michaela Scotta Myersa održava izvanrednu vjernost Novalyneovim memoarima. Upoznao sam Michaela kad je upravo krenuo adaptirati knjigu, i to kod gospođe Ellis (Novalyneov) zahtjev, upoznao sam ga i proveo mu područje Cross Plains. Ostali smo dobri prijatelji, i ponekad je u mogućnosti doći do Dana Roberta E. Howarda.
7. Za kraj, koji su Vaši budući projekti? Što biste preporučili našim čitateljima?
Upravo sada radim s Michaelom Tierneyjem na njegovoj Kronologiji umjetnosti Roberta E. Howarda, četiri svezka koji prikazuje golemu količinu umjetnosti koja je pratila Howardov rad od tada 1920-ih, u pulps i drugim časopisima, naslovnicama knjiga, stripovima i drugim medijima. Moja uloga u ovome je prvenstveno samo lektura i provjera činjenica. Radim presporo da bih mogao pratiti a tempo kao Michael! Ali mislim da će to biti lijep proizvod.
Radim na nekoliko članaka o Howardu, ali nisu dovoljno daleko da bih rekao bilo što. U posljednje sam vrijeme dosta radio na Foundation. I pokušavam pronaći još vremena posvetiti obiteljskoj genealogiji, koja me već dugo zanima i koju sam mislio sam da ću imati više vremena kad odem u mirovinu. Čini se da još uvijek mogu pronaći dosta stvari da me zaokupe!
Pa, naravno, preporučam čitanje Roberta E. Howarda! Posebno ističem da sam odabrao priče za knjige Del Rey Best of Robert E Howard kako bi postojao reprezentativni uzorak njegovog rada. Ima velike dečke, poput Conana, Kulla, Brana, Solomona Kane, Turlogh O’Brien. Ima boksa, westerna, horora. Ima povijest (neke moje favoriti). Ima poezije. Dakle, ako u tim knjigama ne pronađete nešto što vam se sviđa, nećete biti obožavatelj Roberta E. Howarda. Ipak, kladim se da će novi čitatelji biti iznenađeni rasponu i dubini Howardova pisanja i za koje će nastaviti prikupljati nove obožavatelje godine koje dolaze.