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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno


Denis Gabrić, najpoznatiji kao Bat Conan, lider je benda Evil Blood, za kojeg se smatra da je jedan od pionira ekstremnog pravca metal glazbe, znanog kao black metal. Za Solin Live govori o sebi, svome bendu, Siniši Vuci i heavy metal bendu Venom

Prvo, možete li se predstaviti našem čitateljima i reći nešto o sebi?

Ime mi je BAT CONNAN (DENNIS HARRIS) osnivač , autor gitara i pjevač EVIL BLOOD-a davne 1982-e godine u SPLIT-u.Rođen sam 12.08 1966 u Splitu i išao sam u glazbenu školu JOSIP HATZE u Splitu Vec 35 godina živin u Britaniji točnije Škotskoj u DANDIJU(Dundee).

Dosta dugo si u glazbenim vodama, zanimalo me koji je bio ključni trenutak da je glazba tvoj životni poziv?

Još dok sam bio mali glazba me je fascinirala i kako sam odrastao sva glazba koju sam slušao postajala je biti teža i brza haha i tako sa 16 godina sam napravio bend EVIL BLOOD koji imam još i danas.

Svoj bend, Evil Blood si osnovao davne 1982., te koliko sam primjetio da je jedan od članova benda je bio Siniša Vuco. Molim te reci mi više o tome, te tko je još bio član Evil Blood?

Prvi put sam upozna Vucu 1987 godine jer je njegov bend MAGISTRALA svirao ka predgrupa EVIL BLOOD-u i odma san vidio da je odličan pjevač i kasnije je posta basist EVIL BLOOD-a i kratko nakon toga ja odlazim u LONDON.Poslije bi svirali koncerte po Splitu kad bi ja došao doma: u OHARE, JUNGLI u postavi VUCO(SINN WOLF)-BASS , TONI(MAG-EVIL)-DRUMS , BAT CONNAN -VOCAL&LEAD GUITAR.

Evil Blood, iako je najviše poznat u underground krugovima, smatra se kao jednim od pionira ekstremnijeg stila metal glazbe znanog kao black metal. Kao lider benda, kako gledaš na sve to?

Pa drago mi je da ljudi slušaju EVIL BLOOD i da su radosni ponosni i da znaju da su vec 82-e imali uz VENOM naravno prvi BLACK METAL BEND.

Uz navedeno, dijelio si stage bendom Venom, koji se također smatra jednim od pionira black metala. Koliko znam, prijatelj si s bubnjarom, Abbadonom. Reci mi, kako je bilo djeliti stage s takvim legendama kao što je Venom?

Da VENOM je prvi bend koji je ne samo bio prvi BLACK METAL BEND nego i THRASH i sve ostalo po mom misljenju..2007. ja sam tražio bubnjara i jedan fan koji je zna mene i ABADDON-a stavio nas je u kontakt.

ABADDON je ima MIDNIGHT IN SODOM album tako da se pridružio bendu.. Bila mi je velika čast da sviram u bendu sa bubnjarom čiji bend je ima najviše utjecao na moj, a i njemu je EVIL BLOOD bio vrlo drag bend isto i da mu je čast dijeliti binu sa mnom. Svirali smo koncerte, a jedan od najvecih je bio COURLING ACADEMY,NEWCASTLE a i prošle godine pozvani smo kao gosti da sviramo u klubu TRILLIANS ABADDON+EVIL BLOOD.

Često imaš koncerte u Splitu, i to u klubu EKS. Ja sam bio prošli put, i usudio bih se reći da je to jedan od najboljih koncerata 2024. Smatraš li da između Evil Blood i Splita postoji posebna veza?

Hvala lijepa…Pa naravno rođen sam tu i uvijek volim svirait za metalce u Splitu, a tu su bili i momci i cure iz Makedonije, a i u prošlosti na koncertima EVIL BLOOD-a bi sretao metalce iz svih krajeva bivše Jugoslavije, pa čak i iz Australije i drugih zemalja svijeta, i baš zbog toga je sve vrijedno mog truda. I ako je koji METAL FESTIVAL u Hrvatskoj EVIL BLOOD je uvijek pozvan da svira (ZADAR/PULA/OSIJEK) i biti na istoj bini sa bendovima kao što su MEGADETH/KREATOR/DISTRUCTION/TRYPTYCON i ostalima a ih sve ne nabrajam haha ..sve se vidi na posterima.

Uz glazbu, čime se još baviš?

Čitanjem Zagora, stripova i starih brojeva Velikog Bleka, Kapetana Marka i ostalih da sad ne nabrajam haha.

Za kraj, koji su ti planovi za budućnost? Kada ćemo imati sljedeću priliku vidjeti Evil Blood?

Baš sam završio novi EVIL BLOOD “LEPER KING”album snimjen u STOCKTON – ON -TEES, gradu u Engleskoj, kod basiste od ABADDON-ovog benda, koji će izaći na download za koji dan. Još moram izmiksati dvije pjesme i gotov je. Imam dva koncerta ovaj mjesec; jedan u Edinburgu i jedan u Dandiju, a i iducih nekoliko mjeseci biti će još više.. EVIL BLOOD stalno svira! Haha dok sam ja živ biti će i EVIL BLOOD-a..Hvala za intervju i pozdrav svim fanovima EVIL BLOOD-a…666 HAILS BAT CONNAN.


First, can you introduce yourself to our readers and tell us something about yourself?

My name is BAT CONNAN (DENNIS HARRIS), the founder, guitarist, and singer of EVIL BLOOD back in 1982 in SPLIT. I was born on August 12, 1966, in Split and went to the JOSIP HATZE music school in Split. I have been living in Split for 35 years. Britain, more precisely Scotland in Dundee.

You have been involved in music for a long time, I was wondering what was the key moment that music was your calling in life?

Even when I was little, music fascinated me and as I grew up, all the music I listened to became harder and faster, haha, so at the age of 16 I formed the band EVIL BLOOD, which I still have today.

You founded your band, Evil Blood, back in 1982, and as far as I can tell, one of the band members was Siniša Vuco (a famous Croatian musician). Please tell me more about it, and who else was a member of Evil Blood?

I met Vuco for the first time in 1987 because his band MAGISTRALA was playing as a support group for EVIL BLOOD and I immediately saw that he was a great singer and later he became EVIL BLOOD’s bass player and shortly after that I left for LONDON. Split when I come home: OHARE, JUNGLE (clubs in Split, Croatia) in the line-up VUCO (SINN WOLF)-BASS, TONI(MAG-EVIL)-DRUMS, BAT CONNAN -VOCAL&LEAD GUITAR.

Evil Blood, although best known in underground circles, is considered one of the pioneers of the more extreme style of metal music known as black metal. As a band leader, how do you look at all that?

Well, I’m glad that people listen to EVIL BLOOD and are happy and proud and know that they already had the first BLACK METAL BAND with VENOM in the 82s.

In addition to the above, you shared the stage with the band Venom, which is also considered one of the pioneers of black metal. As far as I know, you are friends with the drummer, Abbadon. Tell me, how was it to share the stage with such legends as Venom?

Yes VENOM is the first band that was not only the first BLACK METAL BAND but also THRASH and everything else in my opinion..2007. I was looking for a drummer and a fan who knows me and ABADDON put us in touch. ABADDON has a MIDNIGHT IN SODOM album, so he joined the band. It was a great honor for me to play in a band with a drummer whose band had the most influence on mine, EVIL BLOOD was also a very fond band for him, and it was an honor for him to share stage with me. We played concerts, and one of the biggest was COURLING ACADEMY, NEWCASTLE, and last year we were invited as guests to play in the TRILLIANS ABADDON+EVIL BLOOD club.

You often have concerts in Split, in the club EKS. I was there last time, and I would dare to say that it was one of the best concerts of 2024. Do you think that there is a special connection between Evil Blood and Split?

Thank you very much… Well of course I was born here and I always liked to play for metal bands in Split, and there were also guys and girls from Macedonia, and in the past, at EVIL BLOOD’s concerts I would meet metal bands from all over the former Yugoslavia, and even from Australia and other countries of the world, and that’s why everything is worth my effort. And if there is any METAL FESTIVAL in Croatia, EVIL BLOOD is always invited to play (ZADAR/PULA/OSIJEK) and be on the same stage with bands such as MEGADETH/KREATOR/DESTRUCTION/TRYPTYCON and others and I won’t list them all haha ..all can be seen on the posters.

Besides music, what else do you do?

By reading Zagor, comics, and old issues of Big Blek, Captain Mark, and others, not to mention now haha.

Finally, what are your plans for the future? When will we get the next chance to see Evil Blood?

I just finished the new EVIL BLOOD “LEPER KING” album recorded in STOCKTON – ON -TEES, a city in England, with the bassist from ABADDON’s band, which will be released for download in a few days. I still have to mix two songs and it’s done. I have two concerts this month; one in Edinburgh and one in Dundee, and in the next few months there will be even more… EVIL BLOOD is always playing! Haha, as long as I’m alive there will be EVIL BLOOD too..Thanks for the interview and greetings to all EVIL BLOOD fans…666 HAILS BAT CONNAN



Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...