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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno



Punk eksplozija koja se dogodila u Velikoj Britaniji, zahvatila je SAD-e. Iako je SAD-e koljevka punka (Stooges, MC5, Velvet Underground), to se najviše odrazilo kroz hardcore pokret. Black Flag, Minuteman, Hüsker Dü, Dead Kennedys su inspirirali mnoge bendove, među koji su Die Kreuzen iz Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Počeci Die Kreuzena vežu se ranih 80’ih, uz sastav The Stellas, kojeg su činili vokalist Dan Kubinski, gitarist Brian Egeness, basist Keith Brammer i Erik Tunison na bubnjevima. Promjenivši ime u Die Kreuzen, bend je objavio demo snimku, a nakon pojavljivanja na kompilacijama Charred Remains, The Master Tapes, America’s Dairydream, izlazi im prvi EP Cows & Beer. Iako Cows & Beer traje sve skupa 7 minuta, sve u svemu, ovo je klasik hardcore punka, koji je nagovještavao tajfun, a to je prvi dugosvirajući album. 

Zvuk prvog dugosvirajućeg albuma, (objavljen na čuvenoj diskografskoj kući Touch & Go, kao i cijela diskografija) je bio najbliži sastavima kao što su Negative Approach i rani Corrosion of Conformity, no odsvirano tako intezivno i brutalno, da bih se usudio nazvati taj albumom pretečom grindcorea, što se najbolje vidi po stvarima kao što su I’m Tired, Rumors.


Drugi album, October File, bi najbolje opisao kao: “Otići tamo gdje nitko nije bio”. Iako su zadržali intezitet prvog albuma, October File se naslanjao na post-punk/gotic rock zvuk koji su imali PiL, Joy Division, Siouxie & Banshees, ali i čvrst zvuk na tragu Black Sabbatha. Ipak, tu su stvari koje su odskakale, kao što su Cool Breeze, Among The Ruins, (koje su nagovještavale zvuk sljedećeg albuma, ali i glazbeni pravac popularan početkom 90’ih) i Man In The Trees. Iako se za Die Kreuzen naziva hardcore verzijom Voivoda, (metal bend iz Quebeca, Kanada), osobno smatram da su Die Kreuzen Voivod prije Voivoda, tj. Die Kreuzen je za Voivod, ono što je npr. bend Wishbone Ash za sastave kao što su Iron Maiden i Judas Priest. 

Century Days je Veliki Prasak za sastave kao što su Nirvana (Elizabeth) i Pearl Jam (Dream Sky),objavljen kada su ti bend bili na samim počecima. Ključna osoba zaslužna za taj zvuk je Butch Vig (s kojim us radili do kraja karijere), producent najpoznatiji po radu na Nirvaninom remek – djelu Nevermind, kao i drugim izvođačima tog stila: L7, Smashing Pumpkins, TAD, The Fluid.



Gone Away, EP je s dvije studijske pjesme i koncertnom snimkom. Naslovna pjesma Gone Away pokazuje kako Die Kreuzen može biti i žestok i melankoličan, dok je druga pjesma, obrada Aerosmitha Season of Wither, još jedan od mnogih primjera kada je obrada bolja od originala. Da je slučajno Die Kreuzen snimio više pjesama za ovaj album, siguran sam da bi to bio najbolji allbum od njih.



Posljednji album, Cement, objavljen je 1991. godine, u zoru glazbenog pokreta, čiji su oni bili pioniri. Iako je Cement prošao potpuno nezapaženo, imao je stvari koje su mogle postati hit, poput Big Bad Days, Blue Song, Best Goodbye.




Ubrzo se bend raspao, a članovi su se posvetili svojim projektima (Fuckface, Wreck, Chainfall, Carnival Strippers).

Iako Die Kreuzen nikada nije imao platinaste ploče, niti su ikad punili stadione, sam tribute album Lean On It, koji je sadržavao imena poput Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Voivod, Mike Watt, Vic Bondi, Season To Risk, također su spomenuti u dnevnicima Kurta Cobaina, pokazuje koliko je Die Kreuzen bio važan za suvremeni rock zvuk. Kao što je rekao Thurston Moore, gitarist grupe Sonic Young: Čovječe, bio je trenutak kada su DieKreuzen bili najbolji bend u SAD-u!


The punk explosion that took place in Great Britain, affected the USA. Although the US is the cradle of punk (Stooges, MC5, Velvet Underground), this was mostly reflected through the hardcore movement. Black Flag, Minuteman, Hüsker Dü, Dead Kennedys have inspired many bands, including Die Kreuzen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The beginnings of Die Kreuzen date back to the early 80s, with the band The Stellas, which consisted of vocalist Dan Kubinski, guitarist Brian Egeness, bassist Keith Brammer and Eric Tunison on drums. Changing the name to Die Kreuzen, the band released a demo, after appearing on the compilations Charred Remains, The Master Tapes, America’s Dairydream, their first EP Cows & Beer is released. Although Cows & Beer lasts an all-expensive 7 minutes, all in all, this is classic hardcore punk, which hinted at a typhoon, and it’s the first full-length album.


The sound of the first long-played album (released on famous Touch & Go record label, as well the entire discography) was closest to bands like Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but  played so intensely and brutallly that I I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen like I’m Tired, Rumors.




The second album, October File, would best be described as, “Going where no one has been.” Although they kept the intensity of the first album, October File relied on the post-punk / gothic rock sound that PiL, Joy Division, Siouxie & Banshees had, but also a solid sound on the track of Black Sabbath. Still, there are things that have bounced off, such as Cool Breeze, Among The Ruins, (which hinted at the sound of the next album, but also the musical direction popular in the early 90s) and Man In The Trees. Although for Die Kreuzen it is called a hardcore version of Voivod, (a metal band from Quebec, Canada), I personally think that Die Kreuzen is Voivod before Voivod, ie Die Kreuzen is for Voivod, what band Wishbone Ash is for bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.




Century Days is the Big Bang for bands like Nirvana (Elizabeth) and Pearl Jam (Dream Sky), released when these bands were in their infancy. The key person responsible for this sound is Butch Vig (with whom we worked until the end of his career), the producer best known for his work on Nirvana’s masterpiece Nevermind, as well as other artists of that style: L7, Smashing Pumpkins, TAD, The Fluid.



Gone Away, is an EP with two studio songs and a concert recording. The title track, Gone Away, shows how Die Kreuzen can be both fierce and melancholic, while the other song, a cover of Aerosmith’s Season of Wither, is another of many examples when the cover is better than the original. If by chance, Die Kreuzen had recorded more songs for this album, I’m sure it would have been their best.




The last album, Cement, was released in 1991, at the dawn of the music movement, of which they were pioneers. Although Cement went completely unnoticed, it had stuffs that had the potential to be a hit, such as Big Bad Days, Blue Song, Best Goodbye.




Soon, the band disbanded, with members devoting themselves to their projects (Fuckface, Wreck, Chainfall, Carnival Strippers).

Although Die Kreuzen never had platinum records, nor did they ever fill stadiums, the tribute album itself Lean On It, which featured names like Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Voivod, Mike Watt, Vic Bondi, Season To Risk, as well been mention in diaries of Kurt Cobain, shows how important Die Kreuzen was for modern rock sound. As Thurston Moore, guitarist of the  Sonic Young said: Man, there was a point there when Die Kreuzen were the best band in the USA!


TTThe sounhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkse6aOJ2f4&ab_channel=DieKreuzen-Topicdsssssshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRxeJraRG1M&ab_channel=DieKreuzen-Topichhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkse6aOJ2f4&ab_channel=DieKreuzen-TopichttGone Away, is an EP with two studio songs and a concert recording. The title track, Gone Away, shows how Die Kreuzen can be both fierce and melancholic, while the other song, a cover of Aerosmith’s Season of Wither, is another of many examples when the cover is better than the original. If by chance, Die Kreuzen had recorded more songs for this album, I sure it would have been their best.

ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VybjC8iv2M&ab_channel=DieKreuzen-Topice sohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIVPdfyEaB8&ab_channel=DieKreuzen-Topicund of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go recorThe sound of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but plThe sound of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I知 Tired, Rumors.ayed so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.

d label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.

he The sound of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record labThe sound of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.

el, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.

sThe sound of the firstThe sound of the first long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.

 long-playing album, (released on the famous Touch & Go record label, as well as the entire discography) was closest to bands such as Negative Approach and the early Corrosion of Conformity, but played so intensely and brutally that I would dare call that album a forerunner of grindcore, which is best seen by stuff like I Tired, Rumors.



Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...