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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno

Hrvoje Bubić: Intervju s Justin Broderick


Justin Broderick je su-osnivač kultnog sastava Napalm Death, pionira grindcorea, najekstremniji pravac u metal glazbi i frontmen Godflesha, eksperimentalni sastav. Za Solin Live, Justin će nam kazati o legendarnom Napalm Deathu i suradnjama s bivšim članovima, Godfleshu, novim projektima.


For the start, please tell us about your starts in music, does growing up in Birgminght had a influences on you like was on Black Sabbath or Judas Priest?

I was born from parents on a working class council estate in birmingham who loved music . My mom and my step dad played in bands, early 70’s. my step dad taught me to play guitar when i was 10, i was already into punk rock and wanted to learn to play basic punk rock only, no guitar solos. i learnt a lot from his record collection. they loved the clash, sex pistols and the strangler in 1977-79, which i picked up on and made me enquire more about punk rock. i heard black sabbath when i was around 13 years old, this changed my perception of punk; i realised i also now liked metal, but only the primitive kind, not solos and prog. this then lead me to motorhead, who i also immediately loved.

You were co-founder of Napalm Death, the pioneers of grindcore, extreme genre of metal. Tell us how did you met the members of Napalm Death,how did you make a debut album Scum, what is your reason for leaving Napalm Death, your opinion on grindcore as genre and did you ever heard for a band Patareni from Zagreb?

I wasn’t really a founder of Napalm Death, that was Nic Bullen and Miles ‘rat’ Rateledge, they formed it as young kids in 1982!

But a chance meeting with Nic Bullen in Birmingham at a place that sold bootleg tapes…we were drawn to each other because of being of similar age and that we were both interested in fringe punk music and early industrial like throbbing gristle. He heard my music as FINAL, my early industrial band which also flirted with guitar and punk on occasion, he liked it a lot and asked me to join napalm death. I brought lots of songs to napalm death, which eventually became the main songs, some of these were the ‘scum’ songs, but at first they were slow songs, but we wanted to make them really fast. eventually at a venue we played all the time in Birmingham; the mermaid, where every punk band played and we supported nearly every punk band that came through, i met mick harris, who approached me saying he loves the band and if we need a drummer he’d love to do it. he became the drummer and i then worked at him playing as fast as humanly possible, whereas we arrived at the ‘blast beat’; influenced by the the fastest bands – siege, DRI, and the american hardcore scene. the rest is history !

I left because i was still age 16 and wanted to do more than play hyper speed hardcore punk, my interests in slower filth music was already above fast hardcore…

I am sorry i haven’t heard of Patereni!

Grind core is a great and interesting extreme music genre, i am fascinated still by extreme music and always will be i guess..

After Napalm Death, you were in a Head Of David and latter you formed Godflesh with ex-members of Napalm Death, continuing the rawness but with influence of trip-hop,dub and electronic music. Please tell us more about Godflesh and is true that you were offered to join with Faith No More and Danzing as a member?

There are no ex members of napalm death in godflesh, only i am the ex member!

Godflesh was formed with a good friend ben green, we shared a flat together and met in the suburb of Birmingham that i came from. we already had a band called FALL OF BECAUSE that existed concurrently with napalm death, we often played the same shows – where i did 2 shows in one night. the concept behind godflesh was to have mechanical drum machines, and ultra low tuned filthy guitar and bass, incorporating early uk industrial music and the then mercian no wave scene, plus influences from post punk and hip hop. godflesh had the same manager as mike patton’s project mr bungle, i started to meet mike a lot, he and FNM loved godflesh, so when their guitarist left i was asked to audition and possibly join FNM, but i didn’t want to leave the UK and be in someones elses band, i wanted to pursue my own music, same for danzig, glen loved godflesh and wanted my sound, etc when he became enamoured with this industrial metal hybrid. but again i couldn’t do it..

Since you were also know for electronic music, you formed Scorn with ex-members of Napalm Death, Mitch Harris and Nic Bullen. Since was Scorn was polar opposite of Napalm Deat,what was reason to to change the music direction and did you have another project with electronic or ambient music?

Scorn was mick harris’ and nic bullen’s band really, i guested. the first scorn album that i am on is still somewhat in the ‘rock’ format,. but after that album they became more and more electronic, meanwhile i had electronic projects like TECHNO-ANIMAL, FINAL; etc …i went on and still do, to work with electronic music almost exclusively, and to this day one of my most important projects is JK FLESH, which is essentially hard industrial psychedelic techno.

Jesu, your project after breakup of Godfleash, was more influence with pop sound while keeping the noise. You released Jehu’s album via your own indie label . How is actually running an indie label since you wrote on Twitter that you run Avalanche on Bandcamp site, what are good and bad sides? How was like collaborate with legend like Jarboe and with whom you also collaborated as Jehu?

Jesu and Godflesh are now released on my own label AVALANCHE RECORDINGS, and i use bandcamp as the main platform for digital since fans know that this is a way for the artist to earn money directly instead of the age old record labels ripping bands off, which my career has been damaged by, namely EARACHE RECORDS, who took advantage of very young misguided artists by offering them deals that were taking their money for a life! so, to do this myself is a pleasure although it is really hard work, but to finally get money direct for my music is a great advantage of course.

In this climate of a music industry where no one really wants to pay for music anymore and everything is so niche it is imperative that artists take care of their own affairs where possible.

For the end, what are your future plans, new albums,projects and would be a show here in a Split,Croatia?

My plans are fell as always, tons fo projects and one day maybe one of my projects will come to Croatia again!!!!!! Godflesh has never played croatia but JESU has!!!!!

I have new albums this year from JK FLESH, ZONAL and a new one from JESU in 2020…

Thank you!

Justin Broadrick


Za početak, molim Vas recite o svojim počecima u glazbi, da li odrastanje u Birgminght imalo utjecaj na Vas kao Black Sabbath ili Judas Priest?

Rođen sam na zemljištu radničkog vijeća od roditelja koji su voljeli glazbu, u Birgminghtu. Moja mama i moj očuh su svirali u bandovima, ranih 70′.ih. Moj očuh me naučio svirati gitaru kada sam imao 10., već sam bio u punk rocku i želio sam naučiti svirati samo osnovni punk rock, bez gitarističkih sola. Naučio sam od njegovih kolekcija ploča.Voljeli su the Clash, Sex Pistols i the Strangler u 1977-79, što sam pokupio i natjeralo me da se više raspitam o punk rocku. Poslušao sam Black Sabbath prvi put kada sam imao 13., to je promjenilo moju percepciju punka; shvatio sam da volim i metal, ali samo primitivnu formu, ne solo i progresivu., što me privuklo Motorheadu, kojeg sam odmah zavolio.

Vi ste su-osnivač Napalm Deatha, pionira grindcorea, ekstremni žanr metala. Recite nam kako ste upoznali članove Napalm Deatha, kako ste snimili debut album Scum, koji je razlog napuštanja Napalm Deatha, Vaše mišljenje o grindcoreu kao žanru i da li ste ikada čuli za bend Patareni iz Zagreba?

Ja zapravo nisam osnivač Napalm Deatha, to su Nic Bullen i Miles ‘Rat’ Rateledge, formirali su je još kao djeca 1982! Ali slučajni susret s Nicom Bullenom u Birgminghtu, gdje su se prodavale bootleg kazete (audio ili video zapis izvedbe koju umjetnik nije službeno izdao, op.prev.)…. bili smo privučeni jedni drugom zbog slične dobi i da smo oboje zainteresirani za punk glazbu i rani industrial kao što je Throbbing Gristle. Čuo je moju glazbu kao FINALNU, moj rani industrial bend koji je također flertovao s gitarom i punkom, mnogo mu se svidjelo i pozvao me da se pridružim Napalm Deathu, koje su vremenom postale glavne pjesme, neke su bile „škart“ pjesme, ali isprva bile su spore pjesme, ali htjeli smo učini ih veoma brzim. Na kraju smo svirali na jednom mjestu u Birminghamu, The Mermeid gdje je svaki punk sastav svirao i podržavali smo svaki punk bend koji je došao. Upoznao sam Micka Harrisa, koji mi je prišao kako voli bend i ako nam treba bubnjar, da bi volio biti. Postao je bubnjar i tada sam radio s njim svirajući brže što je moguće, te tako smo došli do „blast beata“ (brzi i dupli udaraci bas bubnja, op.prev.) pod utjecaja najbržih bendova: Siege, DRI, i američke hardcore scene. Ostalo je povijest!

Otišao sam jer sam bio šesnaestogodišnjak, i htio sam više od sviranaj hiper brzog hardcore punka, moji interesi za sporiju glazbu su već bili iznad brzine hardocorea.

Žao mi je, nisam čuo za Patarene!

Grindcore je sjajan i zanimljiv žanr ekstremne glazbe, i dalje sam fasciniran ekstremnom glazbom, i pretpostavljam da ću uvijek biti….

Poslje Napalm Deatha, bili ste u Head Of David, i kasnije ste formirali Godflesh bivšim članovima Napalm Deatha, nastavljajući sirovost ali s utjecajem trip-hopa,duba i electronskei glazbe. Molim Vas recite nam više o Godlflesh te jeli istina da Vam je bilo ponuđeno da se pridružite Faith No More i Danzingu?

Nema bivših članova Napalm Deatha u Godfleshu, ja sam jedini bivši član!

Godflesh je formiran s dobrim prijateljem Ben Greenom, djelili smo stan zajedno i upoznali smo se u predgrađu Birminghama, odakle sam dolazio. Već sam imao bend nazvan FALL OF BECAUSE koji je postojao istovremeno s Napalm Deathom, gdje smo svirali na istim nastupima – gdje sam imao 2 nastupa u jednoj noći. Cijeli koncept što se tiče Godflesha je da ima mehaničke ritam mašine, i ultra prljave gitare i bas sjedinjem s ranom UK industrialnom glazbom i tadašnjom no wave scenom, plus utjecaji od post punka i hip hopa. Godflesh je imao istog menađera kao i projekt Mikea Pattona Mr. Bungle, počeo sam upoznavati Mikea dosta, on i FNM su voljeli Godflesh, pa kada je gitarist otišao bio sam pozvan na audiciju i da se vjerojatno pridružim FNM, ali nisam htio napustiti UK i biti u drugom bendu, htio sam gurati svoju glazbu, također i za Danzing, Glen (Glen Danzing, frontmen, op.prev.) i htio je moj zvuk, itd., kada se zaljubio u ovaj industrial metal hibrid, ali opet nisam mogao….

Pošto ste poznati po elektronskoj glazbi, formirali ste Scorn s bivšim članom Napalm Deatha Mitch Harrisa i Nic Bullena. Pošto je Scorn skoz drugčiji od Napalm Deatha, koji je bio Vaš razlog da promjenite glazbeni smjer i da li ste imali još jedan projekt s elektronskom ili ambientnom glazbom?

Scorn je stvarno bio bend Mitch Harrisa i Nic Bullena, pretpostavljam. Prvi album Scorna na kojem sam ja je nekako u‘rock’formatu. Ali nakon tog albuma, postali su sve više i više elektronski, u međuvremenu imao sam elektronske projekte kao što su TECHNO-ANIMAL, FINAL, itd. Išao sam dalje i dalje idem, za raditi s elektronskom glazbom je gotovo ekskuzivno, do ovog dana jedan od mojih najvažnih projekata je JK FLESH, koji je esencijalno teški industrial psihodelični techno.

Jesu, Vaš projekt poslje raspada Godflesha, bio je pod više utjecajem pop zvuka, pritom zadržavajući buku. Izdali ste albume Jehua preko svoje neovisne kuće. Kako je zapravo voditi neovisnu kuću pošto ste napisali na Twiteru da vodite Avalanche(Justinova diskografska kuća, op.prev.) na Bandcamp siteu, koje su dobre i loše strane? Kako je bilo surađivati s legendom kao što je Jarboe i s kim ste još surađivali kao Jehu?

Jesu i Godflesh sada izlaze preko moje diskografske kuće AVALANCHE RECORDINGS, i koristim Bandcamp kao glavnu platformu za digitalni oblik pošto fanovi znaju da je ovo način da izvođač zaradi novac direktno umjesto stoljećima stare diskografske kuće potkradaju bendove, što je uništilo moju karijeru, kao što je EARACHE RECORDS, koji su iskoristili mlade,neinformirane izvođače nudeći im ugovore kojima su uzimali njihov novac za život. Pa sam sebi udovoljio iako je stvarno težak posao, ali napokon dobivati novce direktno od glazbe je naravno velika prednost.

U ovoj klimi glazbene industrije u kojoj nitko više neželi platiti za glazbu i sve je niša (područje koje je namjenjeno za određenu grupu, op.prev.) tako da je imperativ da izvođači vode brigu o svojim poslovima gdje god je to moguće.

Za kraj, koji su Vam budući planovi, novi albumi, projekti i hoće li biti koncert u Splitu,Hrvatskoj?

Moji planovi su pali kao uvijek, tone projekata i jednog dana, jedan projekt će možda biti doći u Hrvatsku ponovno!!!!!!

Godflesh nikada nije svirao u Hrvatskoj, ali JEHU jest!!!

Imam novi album ove godine od JK FLESH, ZONAL i novi jedan JESU 2020…

Hvala ti

Justin Broderick



Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...