Hrvoje Bubić: Intervju s Paolo Prevosto | Solin Live
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Hrvoje Bubić: Intervju s Paolo Prevosto



Paolo Prevosto je glazbenik,urednik magazina namjenjenom k žanru znanstvene fantastike te kolekcionar memorabilija iz znanstveno fantastičnih filmova,serija kao i iz i od astronauta. Za Solin Live govori o svojem glazbenom projektu Simulakrum Lab, suradnji s Claudiom Simonettiem,Cody Carpenterom, Danaom Jean Phoenix te o svojoj kolekciji

For start, please tell us about your beginninggs and influences. I notice that you are inspired a lot with artists like Goblin, Tangerine Dream,Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, movie directors like John Carpenter, Dario Argento as well themes like space traveling.

My passion for music was born by listening to Kraftwerk, Goblin and Carpenter soundtracks. Then I became fond of the music of Alan Parsons, of Giorgio Moroder, Tangerine Dream. After listening to them I wanted to start making this music, at the end of the 90s the analogue synthesizer fashion had not yet returned, so I started looking for these old instruments, it was not easy because online stores did not exist or were poorly supplied, moreover, at that time there were no discreet emulators for which I bought myself a Moog, a Doepfer, a Siel and a modular of Italian production, all vintage. At the time the prices were very low!

The passion for music has grown along with that for cinema, special effects and astronautics; surely these arguments were the main source of inspiration.

In 2013 your debut album, “Simulakrum Lab” was released, which was also hosted by Claudio Simonetti, the prog rocker keyboardist “Goblin”, famous for having composed the soundtracks of Dario Argento’s films. Tell us more about your debut album, how did you get the chance to work with Claudio Simonetti? Did you have other famous guests besides him? Tell us about “Simulakrum Lab” and the other jobs you’ve done.

I met Claudio Simonetti at an event that I organized a few years before the release of the first album, he listened to the songs I was working on and liked and he took part in the “Aggregat 4” track. In addition to him in the 2013 “Simulakrum Lab” album was attended by Fabio Pignatelli (bass player of Goblin) on the track “Backlit”, Liz Enthusiasm (singer of Freezepop) and Kenneth Johnson (producer of Visitors, Hulk, The Bionic Woman) as voice narrator in the song “The Day The Vocoder Stood Still”.

In 2015 my remix came out of the song “Killing” composed by Claudio Simonetti, taken from the soundtrack of the movie “Demons” directed by Lamberto Bava, in 2016 the album “Simulakrum Lab” was reissued on vinyl, in 2017 it was released my remix of the song “Confusion” composed by Claudio Simonetti, for the movie “Opera” by Dario Argento.

This year your new album “Simulakrum Lab II” is released, inspired by the 80’s sounds in collaboration with Cody Carpenter and Dana Jean Phoenix. Tell us about this new album.

I composed the songs on the album as if they were the soundtrack of a hypothetical 80’s science fiction movie or series, some of these songs started composing them a few years ago. In the meantime the fashion of the 80s has increased and I decided to complete the work. It was exciting to work with Cody Carpenter because he always manages to amaze, he’s really a talented keyboardist. The voice of Dana Jean Phoenix seemed to me the ideal choice for the sounds of the 80s.

Also prevails the analog sound of the synthesizers Prophet, Moog and Korg.

As die-hard fan of sci-fi, you are wide-know as collector of sci-fi memorablia but also war memorabilia from WW2 and from NASA’s astronauts. What motivated you to collect the memorablia, how did you find all this stuff and did you collaborated with any big names in that area ?

I started collecting from an early age, when in the late 90s I realized that I could have used the objects in my favorite films, I started to make contacts, when the internet was not yet widespread, I remember that in addition to the phone we used the mythical fax! To send bad definition pictures!

However, I succeeded and continued. As a history and astronaut fan, I could not limit myself to cinema. Today, even if communications are simpler, many more people collect and therefore it is now difficult to find interesting objects at a good price directly from the sources.

Like I mention before, for love of sci-fi you started a Fantascienzaitalia, news portal dedicated to sci-fi and horror genre. Please tell us more about Fantascienzaitalia.

As a fan of cinema and TV series I wanted to create the magazine because I wanted to spread the most important news avoiding “spam” for the reader. In fact, the site is deliberately designed in a simple way, with vintage graphics, for quick reference.

For the end, what are your future plans,new album?

I’m preparing a memorabilia exhibition, but I still don’t say the subject of it. In winter I will start to work for a new music production, maybe an EP or album, touching other genres.


Za početak, molim Vas recite nam o svojim počecima i utjecajima. Primjetio sam da ste dosta inspirirani izvođačima kao što su Goblin, Tangerine Dream,Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder i redateljima John Carpenter, Dario Argento te samom tematikom svemirskog putovanja.

Moja strast za svemirskim putovanjima se rodila slušajući Kraftwerk, Goblin i Carpenterove soundtrackove. Tada sam postao ljubitelj glazbe Alana Parsona, Giorgia Morodera,Tangerine Dreama. Nakon što sam ih poslušao, htio sam raditi svoju glazbu, te pred kraj 90.ih, moda analognog sintesajzera se još nije vratila, pa sam počeo tražiti te stare instrumente, nije bilo lako zbog online trgovina koje tada nisu postojale ili su bile slabo opremljene, što više, u to vrijeme, nije postojalo diskretnih emulatora ( računalni program koji omogućava da programska oprema izvršava na platformi drugčijoj od one za koju je proizveden, op.prev.) za koji sam kupio Moog, Doepfer i Siel, modular talijanske proizvodnje, sve je vintage. U to vrijeme, cijene su im bile jako niske!

Strast za glazbom je rasla zajedno s onom za kinom, specialnim efektima i astronautima; svakako, ovi argumenti su glavni izvor inspiracije.

2013. je izašao Vaš debitantski album Simulakrum Lab, na kojem je gostovao Claudio Simonetti, klavijaturist prog-rock sastava “Goblin”, poznat po tome što je kompozirao soundtrackove filmove Daria Argenta (poznati tal. redatelj, op.prev.). Recite nam više o svom debut albumu, kako ste dobili priliku za raditi s Claudiom Simonettiem? Da li ste uz njega imali druge poznate goste? Recite nam o “Simulakrum Lab” i ostalim projektima koje ste radili.

Upoznao sam Claudia Simonettia na događaju kojeg sam organizirao par godina prije izdavanja prvog albuma. Poslušao je pjesme na kojima sam radio i svidjele su mu se i odlučio je sudjelovati na pjesmi “Aggregat 4”. Uz njega, 2013. na “Simulakrum Lab” su došli Fabio Pignatelli (basist Goblina) na pjesmi “Backlit”, Liz Enthusiasm (vokal Freezepopa), kao i Kenneth Johnson (producent filmova Visitors, Hulk, The Bionic Woman) kao narator u pjesmi “The Day The Vocoder Stood Still”.

2005 je izašao moj remix za pjesmu “Killing”, koju je kompozirao Claudio Simonetti, preuzeta iz soundtracka za film “Demons” redatelja Lamberto Bavae. 2016. je album “Simulakrum Lab” je izdan na vinil, 2017. je izašao moj remix za pjesmu “Confusion”, koju je kompozirao Claudio Simonetti, za film “Opera” redatelja Daria Argenta.


Ove godine je izašao Vaš novi album “Simulakrum Lab II”, inspiriran zvukom 80’ih, uz suradnji s Cody Carpenterom i Dana Jean Phoenix. Recite nam više o novom albumu.

Skladao sam pjesme na albumu kao da su soundtrack hipotetskog znanstveno fantastičnog filma 80’ih, neke od tih pjesama sam počeo skladati par godina prije. U međuvremenu je moda 80’ih je narasla, pa sam odlučio dovršiti posao. Bilo je uzbudljivo raditi s Cody Carpenterom jer uvijek uspjeva zadiviti, on je stvarno talentirani klavijaturist. Glas Danae Jean Phoenix mi se činio kao idealan izbor za zvuk 80.’ih. Također je prevladao analogni zvuk sintesajzora Propheta, Mooga i Korga.

Kao veliki fan sci-fi, Vi ste na veliko poznati kao kolekcionar sci-fi memorabilia, kao memorabilia iz 2.svjetskog rata i NASA-ih astronauta. Što Vas je motiviralo skuplajte memorabiliju, kako ste uspjeli pronaći sve te stvari te da li ste surađivali s poznatim imenima?

Počeo sam skupljati stvari još od rane dobi, kada sam u kasnim 90.’ima shvatio da mogu koristiti objekte u mojim omiljenim filmovima, započeo sam uspostavljati kontakte kada još internet nije bio toliko raširen! Sjećam se da smo uz telefon koristili mitski faks. To oslikava koliko je bilo grozno

Međutim, uspio sam i nastavio sam. Kao ljubitelj povijesti i astronauta, nisam se mogao ograničiti samo na kino. Danas, kada je komunikacija puno jednostavnija, dosta ljudi skuplja što sada čini teže pronaći zanimljive objekte po povoljnoj cijeni izravno od podrijetla.

Kao što sam spomenuo već prije, prema ljubavi sci-fi Vas pokrenuli ste Fantascienzaitalia, news portal posvećen sci-fi. Molim Vas recite nam više o Fantascienzaitalia.

Kao ljubitelj kina i TV serija, htio sam stvoriti magazin zato jer sam želio širiti najvažnije novosti pritom izbjegavajući „spamove“ za čitatelja. Zapravo, stranica je namjerno dizajnirana da bude jednostavna s vintage grafikom, za brzu referencu.

Za kraj koji su Vam planovi za budućnost, imate li novi album u vidu?

Pripremam izložbu suvenira, ali još uvijek ne govorim o njoj. Zimi ću početi raditi novu glazbenu produkciju, možda EP ili album, dodirujući druge žanrove.



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