Od samih početaka, glazba je bila vezana uz scenski nastup, kako bi se stvorio ugođaj.
John Carpenter, redatelj poznat po klasicima kao što su Napad Na Policijsku Postaju 13, Stvor, Noć Vještica, Bijeg Iz New Yorka, Veliki problem u Maloj Kini, itekako je znao stvoriti ugođaj. John Carpenter je skladao elektronsku glazbu, na tragu izvođača kao što su Tangerine Dream, Vangelis i Giorgio Moroder, uz suradnju s Alanom Howarthom, kako bi uštedio na filmskom budžetu, što se pokazalo kao pun pogodak; njegova najpoznatija stvar, tema iz Napada na policijsku postaju 13, po meni je čistokrvni punk rock: kratak, žestok i direktan u glavu.
Tema Christine ima naboj koji je nagovještavao sastave kao što su Skinny Puppy, Ministry i Nine Inch Nails (što se najbolje vidi po obradi od članova, Trenta Raznora i Atticusa Rossa), dok tema Oni Žive podsjetila me na ugođaj kakav ima Dollar Trilogija. Kad smo kod toga, nesmijem zaboraviti njegovo remek – djelo, Stvor. Iako je glazbu većinom stvarao veliki Ennio Morricone, itekako se osjeća njegov utjecaj.
John Carpenter se smatra pionirom tkz. synthwave glazbe (žanr elektronske glazbe, op.prev.), zbog čega se pojavio u dokumentarcu Rise of the Synths, kao narator,tako da nazvati Johna Carpentera redateljem i glazbenikom je preblag opis; John Carpenter je roker. Iako je stao s filmovima, John Carpenter je i dalje aktivan s glazbom, tako da je u suradnji s svojim sinom Codyem i kumčetom Danielom Daviesom, objavio albume pod nazivom Lost Themes, pritom održavaju koncerte diljem svijeta.
Što se tiče Lost Themes albuma, moram spomeniti odlične stvari kao što su Hofner Dawn, Windy Death, Angel Asylum, kao i nove verzije iz filmskih tema, dok sami spotovi, imaju naboj kao filmovi. Sve u svemu, John Carpenter uvijek ima asova iz rukava.
From the very beginnings, music was associated with stage performance in order to create an atmosphere. John Carpenter, a director known for classics such as Attack on Police Station 13, The Thing, Halloween, Escape from New York, Big Problem in Little China, certainly knew how to build up an atmosphere. John Carpenter composed electronic music, following in the footsteps of performers such as Tangerine Dream, Vangelis and Giorgio Moroder, and in collaboration with Alan Howarth, so as to save on film budget, which proved to be spot on; his most famous piece, the theme from Attack on Police Station 13, to me is purebred punk rock: short, fierce, and straightforward. The Christine theme has a flair that hinted at bands like Skinny Puppy, Ministry and Nine Inch Nails (which is best seen by the cover from members Trent Raznor and Atticus Ross), whereas the They Live theme reminded me of the atmosphere of the Dollar Trilogy. Speaking of which, I must not forget his masterpiece — The Thing. Although the music was largely composed by the great Ennio Morricone, his influence is very much felt. John Carpenter is considered a pioneer of the so-called synthwave music, which is why he appeared in the documentary Rise of the Synths, as a narrator, so to call John Carpenter a director and musician is too mild a description; John Carpenter is a rocker. Although he put movies on halt, John Carpenter is still actively engaged in music; that is why in collaboration with his son Cody and godson Daniel Davies, he released albums called Lost Themes, whilst holding concerts around the world. As for the Lost Themes album, I have to mention awesome tracks like Hofner Dawn, Windy Death, Angel Asylum, as well as new versions of movie themes, whereas the videos themselves have a cinematic flair to them. All in all, John Carpenter always has aces up his sleeve.