MIND ZOO je rock sastav iz Splita, za Solin Live nam govore o sebi, nastupima na festivalima, debitantskom albumu, projektima uz bend.
- Za početak, možete nam reći o bendu, kako se formirao, kako ste se našli? Koji su bendovi, kao i glazbeni stilovi utjecali na Vas?
Vale: Bend je nastao 2015.g., u početku iz nekih snimljenih ideja na akustičnoj gitari, da bi se vrlo brzo u rad pjesama uključili svi članovi benda. Bilo je nekoliko promjena članova ritam sekcije te se bend nakon nekog vremena ustalio u formaciji –Toni na gitari i vokalu, Dado na bubnju, Mara na basu i ja na gitari. Svatko vuče različite utjecaje iz različitih razdoblja, ali generalno je to sve glazba sa bazom u rocku i svim žanrovima koji iz njega proilaze – poput grungea, hard rocka, metala, alternative rock I sl.
- Nastupili ste na raznim festivalima, kao što su ST – ART (gdje ste osvojili prvo mjesto), Lake Fest u Nikšiću, FIDO Music Weekend, SARS. Molim Vas recite nam više o tim festivalima.
Vale: ST-ART se uvijek s guštom odsvira, posebno ako se odvija u prostoru koji pruža mogućnosti maksimalno vjerne prezentacije zvuka, kao što je recimo Judino Drvo.
Toni: ST-art je definitivno idealan festival za predstavljanje domaćoj publici, pa je definitivno još bolje kad smo to zaokružili pobjedom na festivalu 2017. godine 😀 S druge strane, FIDO Music Weekend je jedna odlična festivalska priča, isto u organizaciji splitske ekipe, koji je na razini svojevrsnoga brenda i kao takav nam je pružio jedno izvrsno iskustvo. A SARS festival u Sinju je već odavno postao najveći festival na području županije, s jakim headlinerima i vjernom publikom svih životnih dobi, te je i to bilo još jedno odlično iskustvo za nas kao bend.
Vale: Ali vjerojatno najveći stage i festival na kojem smo nastupili je upravo bio Lake Fest koji se i inače smatra za jedan od najvećih festivala u regiji. Vrlo rado bi se vratili tamo jednog dana, po mogućnosti u aktraktivnijem terminu J
- Izdali ste dosad EP Temple Of The Heart, plus tu su spotovi za stvari kao što su Blind Man’s Mirror, What It Takes. Recite nam više o ovome, te kada bi napokon mogao izaći dugosvirajući album?
Toni: Tako je, EP Temple Of The Heart je izašao 2017. godine, broji 3 pjesme koje smo samostalno snimili u našoj garaži i bio je zapravo lijepo otvaranje za nas uspješne 2017. godine. U novije vrijeme, odnosno novije snimke i singlovi, Blind Man’s Mirror i What It Takes, su došli nakon male diskografske pauze benda koja je bila i posljedica promjene članova, ali i životnih okolnosti i drugih obaveza. Međutim, oba singla su uspješno snimljena, miksana i masterirana te objavljena. Ne valja tu izostaviti ljude koji su nam u tome procesu bili od velike pomoći, Vedran Kovačić iz Chicken Sound Studia koji za obje stvari potpisuje miks i master, a za vizualni dio se pobrinio Ivan Ožić Bebek, koji je napravio lyric video za Blind Man’s Mirror, te naš bubnjar Davor Kamenjarin, koji je napravio omot za What It Takes.
Marko: Pjesme se snimaju po nekom našem bendovskome osjećaju i temeljito radimo na njima pa ćemo tako i doći do albuma.
Toni: Trenutno bend privodi kraju process miksanja novoga singla, prvoga na hrvatskome jeziku, Grijeh. A paralelno s time radimo i snimamo još nekoliko pjesama, pa je definitivno za očekivati da ćemo tokom ove godine definitivno objaviti još naših pjesama, a ciljamo da to sve skupa bude objedinjeno u formatu dugosvirajućega albuma.
- Kakva je po Vašem mišljenju, glazbena scena u Hrvatskoj? Pošto dolazite iz Splita, da li smatrate da li on ima potencijala za lokalnu scenu?
Vale: Glazbena scena je raznovrsna i dovoljno kvalitetna, ali interes za glazbom je općenito u padu. Ljudi su željni brze zabave i brzih potrošnih proizvoda, teško je odvojiti vrijeme za preslušavanje glazbe a kamoli odlazaka na koncerte. Većina bendova egzistira na nekom svom “osobnom zanosu” i ljubavi prema glazbi.
- Uz Mind Zoo, da li imate nekakve projekte, bendove sa strane?
Marko: Svi u bendu imaju nekakve druge glazbene projekte i bendove sa strane, osim Vale koji je jedini isključivo vjeran Mind Zoou 😀 Dado i Toni još zajedno sviraju u Flying Headu (Dado na bubnju, Toni na vokalu) i akustik projektu John Doe (Dado na smanjenome bubnju, Toni na gitari i vokalu), a Toni je uz to i vokal u metal bendu Prevail. Ja još osobno imam dva benda u kojima sam na bas gitari, a u jednome sam još i na vokalu.
- Za kraj, što bi poručili našim čitateljima?
Marko: Poručio bih čitateljima da se klone droge i da ubace u prehranu malo više voća i povrća. Također, bar jednom tjedno nazovite roditelje i pitajte ih kako su, osim ako ne živite s njima pa u tom slučaju možete to češće raditi.
Na kraju, a definitivno ne i najmanje bitno, poslušajte Mind Zoo i definitivno dođite na naš concert, a i na druge koncerte, čim vam se za to pruži prilika!
ZOO out!
- For a start, can you tell us about the band, how it was formed, how did you find yourself? What bands as well as musical styles have influenced you?
Vale: The band was formed in 2015, initially from some recorded ideas on acoustic guitar, and very soon all the members of the band got involved in the work of the songs. There were several changes in the members of the rhythm section and after a while the band settled into formation – Tony on guitar and vocals, Dado on drums, Mara on bass and me on guitar. Everyone draws different influences from different periods, but in general it’s all music with a base in rock and all the genres that come from it – like grunge, hard rock, metal, alternative rock, etc.
- You have performed at various festivals, such as ST – ART (where you won first place), Lake Fest in Nikšić, FIDO Music Weekend, SARS. Please tell us more about these festivals.
Vale: ST-ART is always played with gusto, especially if it takes place in a space that offers the possibility of the most faithful presentation of sound, such as Judino Drvo.
Toni: ST-art is definitely an ideal festival to present to the local audience, so it is definitely even better when we rounded it off with a victory at the festival in 2017 :D. On the other hand, FIDO Music Weekend is a great festival story, also organized by the Split team. is at the level of a kind of brand and as such has provided us with an excellent experience. And the SARS festival in Sinj has long since become the largest festival in the county, with strong headliners and a loyal audience of all ages, and it was another great experience for us as a band.
Vale: But probably the biggest stage and festival we performed at was Lake Fest, which is considered to be one of the biggest festivals in the region. We would very much like to return there one day, preferably in a more attractive term J
- You’ve released the EP Temple Of The Heart so far, plus there are music videos for things like Blind Man’s Mirror, What It Takes. Tell us more about this, and when could a full-length album finally come out?
Toni: That’s right, the EP Temple Of The Heart came out in 2017, counts 3 songs we recorded on our own in our garage and it was actually a nice opening for us a successful 2017. In more recent times, namely newer recordings and singles, Blind Man’s Mirror and What It Takes, came after a small discographic break by the band which was also a consequence of the change of members, but also life circumstances and other obligations. However, both singles were successfully recorded, mixed and mastered and released. We should not leave out the people who were of great help to us in this process, Vedran Kovačić from Chicken Sound Studio who signs the mix and master for both things, and Ivan Ožić Bebek took care of the visual part, who made a lyric video for Blind Man’s Mirror , and our drummer Davor Kamenjarin, who made the cover for What It Takes.
Marko: The songs are recorded according to our band feeling and we are working on them thoroughly, so we will get to the album.
Toni: The band is currently completing the process of mixing a new single, the first in Croatian, Grijeh. And in parallel, we are working and recording a few more songs, so it is definitely to be expected that we will definitely release more of our songs this year, and we aim to bring it all together in the format of a long-playing album.
- In your opinion, what is the music scene in Croatia like? Since you come from Split, do you think it has potential for the local scene?
Vale: The music scene is diverse and of sufficient quality, but interest in music is generally declining. People are eager for quick fun and fast consumables, it’s hard to take the time to listen to music let alone go to concerts. Most bands exist on some of their “personal enthusiasm” and love for music.
- Among the Mind Zoo, do you have any projects, bands on the side?
Marko: Everyone in the band has some other music projects and bands on the side, except Vale who is the only one exclusively faithful to Mind Zoo 😀 Dado and Toni still play together in Flying Head (Dado on drums, Toni on vocals) and acoustic project John Doe ( Dado on reduced drums, Toni on guitar and vocals), and Toni is also a vocalist in the metal band Prevail. I personally have two bands in which I am on bass guitar, and in one I am also on vocals.
- Finally, what would you say to our readers?
Marko: I would like to tell the readers to stay away from drugs and to add a little more fruits and vegetables to their diet. Also, call your parents at least once a week and ask them how they are, unless you live with them so you can do it more often.
Last but not least, listen to Mind Zoo and definitely come to our concert and other concerts as soon as you get the chance!
ZOO out!