Thomas Andrew Doyle je američki galzbenik iz Seattlea. Za Solin Live govori o sebi, svojim projektima, kao i grunge pokretu
To begin with, can you introduce yourself to our readers and say something about yourself?
Most people know me by the name, Tad Doyle. I am a lifelong musician and artist that was born Thomas Andrew Doyle, aka Tad, in the 1960s in Boise Idaho by two army veterans in a lower-middle-class family. Tad is most widely known for being the frontman and leader of the band TAD. Tad was one of the founding members of the GRUNGE music movement. He began his musical passion and career at the age of 5 years old when he would bang on oatmeal boxes and coffee cans trying to emulate his older brother who had a drum set. His formative years were spent first learning how to play the E-flat Tuba in grade five that his grandfather had played in the early 1900s. However, Tad’s true passion was for drums and percussion. In grade six he took the next step in his journey by studying the vinyl records of the time and playing along on a set of drums given to him by his grandmother, which he still has and plays to this day. Later, Tad graduated high school, then continued his education by studying music composition and performance at Boise State University mentored by the nationally known and respected Dr. John Baldwin, a music professor. At the age of 18, he began playing drums in jazz bands and quartets in nightclubs around the Boise area. Later he played in rock and punk rock bands around the area before deciding to move to Seattle with his band H-Hour in 1986. Enter the story of TAD the band. More on that sojourn on the website.
At an early age, I became interested in music and art. Your readers may be aware of the band, TAD who was one of the founders of the grunge sound in the Grunge movement revolution.
As far as I can see, you were surrounded by music from a young age and you continued your education by studying music composition and performance at Boise State University mentored by the nationally known and respected Dr. John Baldwin, a music professor. Please tell us more about it.
Basically, I did one year of college straight out of high school. It was a great experience to study with Dr. John Baldwin. I quickly found that what I wanted to do in music needed to be created instead of studying music of the past. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely learned a lot about music and composition in my formative years. I was getting heavily into jazz and punk rock at the time. Both jazz and punk-rock were still being defined by the musicians playing them and I wanted to be a part of that.
I was working night shifts at the time and found that working all night and then going to school during the day was too taxing on my sleep cycles and my abilities to stay focused on what I really wanted to do with my life. So I kept my job and started playing in various musical projects of which I still do to this day.
Your band TAD is considered a key name in the grunge movement. I was interested in how you view the legacy of TAD, as well as the so-called the grunge movement?
I am very proud of the things that we accomplished in the bands, TAD, Hog Molly as well as Brothers of the Sonic Cloth. As I carry my music legacy forward,
I remain engaged and excited about what each day brings with music in my life. Part of what makes music interesting to me still is that I get to learn new things all the time. Running my own music recording studio, Witch Ape Studio, for the last 18 years has been a great tool for learning as well. I get to stay in the present moment and work with new and upcoming artists all the time. It’s very exciting to me. As far as a legacy for Grunge itself, I don’t really have much to offer you on that.
After the breakup of TAD, together with Ty Garcia and Martin Chandler you founded the band Hog Molly. In addition, you have the band Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth. Could you tell us a word about those bands, especially Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth?
The truth about Hog Molly, is that the band formed with myself, Ty Garcia, and Jason Jacobs, aka Slimmy D. Martin Chandler join the band as a second guitarist, but was never on any of the recordings. Kung-fu Cocktail Grip was the only official release that the band had although almost another albums worth of material was being prepared for us the record a follow-up album. The band fell apart as members moved into different directions and moved on in their lives.
BotSC was originally just me writing songs and at some point I decided that I wanted to play the songs live. My wife, Pegadeth was the obvious choice to be in the band. She has had such a rich musical history herself aside from what we did together and she is an amazing spirit and musician herself. It only made sense to have her be a part of the band. We originally had a hard time finding the right fit for drums for the band. We had went through many auditions for drummers for at least eight years before we found Dave French to play drums for us. He was the most qualified man for the job and he was a good friend too.
In addition to being active as a musician, you are also a producer, composer, and thus run Witch Ape Studio. How did you come up with the idea of being a producer and starting a recording facility?
The studio had it’s humble beginnings in the basement of a house that my wife and I were living in when we moved to back to Seattle from San Diego in 2006. It was more of a place that we could rehearse and record our own material for Brothers of the Sonic Cloth. Over time, the word got out that I was recording bands and projects that other people found to sound good. Eventually, my wife Pegadeth and I moved to south Seattle and build a proper recording studio with a live room for tracking full bands live and a small control room separated from the main room. I sharpened my skills and studied many aspects of what it takes to be a recording engineer in the times that we live in. Eventually, I sat down with my wife and we agreed that if I wanted to do the recording/producing thing full time that I would commit to doing so 100%. With my wife helping to support my vision to build a studio, I began the career of music recording, mixing, mastering, and producing select artists fulltime. So I quit my day job and dove deeply into the musical abyss to further my education. It was with a trial-by-fire attitude that I moved forward into my passion for capturing music with as many musicians as I could. I have learned a great number of things in my chosen craft and I still love doing it. Many years later, the studio is going strong and is busier than ever!
For the end, what are your future projects? What would you recommend to our readers?
I will have four new releases this year and the first of which is another solo release entitled ABERRANT that will release on February, 3, 2023 on bandcamp at THIS LOCATION. ABBERANT is my seventh full-length release to date. Then in June 2023 there will be a release entitled FORGOTTEN SCIENCES that will be released on vinyl as well as my bandcamp. Then roughly in September there is plans to have a full length vinyl/cd/digital release on my friend’s label Yuggoth Records entitled AMALTHEA which will once again be a solo release. And finally, I am still working on a forth release for 2023 that will have details to follow later this year. To find out more information, please go to:
Možete li nam se za početak predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?
Većina me ljudi poznaje pod imenom Tad Doyle. Doživotni sam glazbenik i umjetnik rođen kao Thomas Andrew Doyle, zvani Tad, 1960-ih u Boise Idahu od strane dvojice vojnih veterana u obitelji niže srednje klase. Tad je najpoznatiji po tome što je bio frontmen i vođa benda TAD. Tad je bio jedan od osnivača glazbenog pokreta GRUNGE. Svoju glazbenu strast i karijeru započeo je u dobi od 5 godina kada je lupao po kutijama zobene kaše i limenkama kave pokušavajući oponašati svog starijeg brata koji je imao set bubnjeva. Njegove formativne godine proveo je u petom razredu prvo učeći svirati E-flat tubu koju je njegov djed svirao početkom 1900-ih. Međutim, Tadova prava strast bili su bubnjevi i udaraljke. U šestom razredu napravio je sljedeći korak na svom putu proučavajući vinilne ploče tog vremena i svirajući uz njih na setu bubnjeva koje mu je poklonila baka, a koje još uvijek ima i svira ih i dan danas. Kasnije je Tad završio srednju školu, a zatim nastavio svoje obrazovanje studirajući glazbenu kompoziciju i izvedbu na Državnom sveučilištu Boise pod mentorstvom nacionalno poznatog i cijenjenog dr. Johna Baldwina, profesora glazbe. U dobi od 18 godina počeo je svirati bubnjeve u jazz sastavima i kvartetima u noćnim klubovima u okolici Boisea. Kasnije je svirao u rock i punk rock bendovima po cijelom području prije nego što se 1986. odlučio preseliti u Seattle sa svojim bendom H-Hour. Uđite u priču o bendu TAD. Više o tom boravku na web stranici
U ranoj mladosti počeo sam se zanimati za glazbu i umjetnost. Vaši čitatelji možda znaju za bend TAD koji je bio jedan od začetnika grunge zvuka u revoluciji Grunge pokreta.
2. Koliko vidim, bili ste okruženi glazbom od malih nogu i nastavili ste svoje obrazovanje studirajući glazbenu kompoziciju i izvođenje na Boise State University pod mentorstvom nacionalno poznatog i cijenjenog dr. Johna Baldwina, profesora glazbe. Recite nam više o tome.
Uglavnom, završio sam jednu godinu fakulteta odmah nakon srednje škole. Bilo je sjajno iskustvo učiti s dr. Johnom Baldwinom. Brzo sam otkrio da ono što želim raditi u glazbi treba stvoriti umjesto proučavanja glazbe prošlosti. Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, definitivno sam puno naučio o glazbi i skladanju u svojim formativnim godinama. U to sam se vrijeme intenzivno bavio jazzom i punk rockom. I jazz i punk-rock još uvijek su definirali glazbenici koji su ih svirali i ja sam želio biti dio toga.
U to sam vrijeme radio noćne smjene i otkrio da je cjelonoćni rad i zatim odlazak u školu tijekom dana previše opterećivao moje cikluse spavanja i moje sposobnosti da ostanem usredotočen na ono što stvarno želim raditi sa svojim životom. Tako sam zadržao posao i počeo svirati u raznim glazbenim projektima koje i dan danas činim.
Vaš bend TAD smatra se ključnim imenom grunge pokreta. Zanimalo me kako gledate na nasljeđe TAD-a, kao i na tzv. grunge pokret?
Jako sam ponosan na stvari koje smo postigli u bendovima, TAD, Hog Molly kao i Brothers of the Sonic Cloth. Dok nosim svoju glazbenu ostavštinu naprijed,i dalje sam angažiran i uzbuđen što svaki dan donosi s glazbom u mom životu. Dio onoga što mi glazbu čini zanimljivom jest to što stalno učim nove stvari. Vođenje vlastitog glazbenog studija za snimanje, Witch Ape Studio, zadnjih 18 godina također je bio odličan alat za učenje. Ostajem u sadašnjem trenutku i cijelo vrijeme radim s novim i nadolazećim umjetnicima. To mi je jako uzbudljivo. Što se tiče nasljeđa samog Grungea, nemam vam baš puno toga za ponuditi.
Nakon raspada TAD-a, zajedno s Ty Garciom i Martinom Chandlerom osnovali ste bend Hog Molly. Osim toga, imate bend Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth. Možete li nam reći koju riječ o tim bendovima, posebno Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth?
Istina o Hog Molly je da sam bend osnovao ja, Ty Garcia i Jason Jacobs, zvani Slimmy D. Martin Chandler pridružio se bendu kao drugi gitarist, ali nikada nije bio ni na jednoj snimci. Kung-fu Cocktail Grip bilo je jedino službeno izdanje koje je bend imao iako se spremalo gotovo još nekoliko albuma vrijednih materijala za nas da snimimo sljedeći album. Bend se raspao dok su članovi krenuli u različitim smjerovima i krenuli dalje u svojim životima.
BotSC je izvorno bio samo ja koji sam pisao pjesme i u jednom sam trenutku odlučio da želim svirati pjesme uživo. Moja žena, Pegadeth, bila je očigledan izbor da bude u bendu. Ona sama ima tako bogatu glazbenu povijest osim onoga što smo radili zajedno, a i sama je nevjerojatan duh i glazbenica. Imalo je smisla samo da ona bude dio benda. Prvotno nam je bilo teško pronaći pravi bubanj za bend. Prošli smo kroz mnoge audicije za bubnjare najmanje osam godina prije nego što smo pronašli Davea Frencha da nam svira bubnjeve. Bio je najkvalificiraniji čovjek za taj posao, a bio je i dobar prijatelj.
5. Osim što ste aktivni kao glazbenik, vi ste i producent, skladatelj, samim time vodite Witch Ape Studio. Kako ste došli na ideju da postanete producent i pokrenete diskografsku kuću?
Studio je imao svoje skromne početke u podrumu kuće u kojoj smo moja žena i ja živjeli kad smo se 2006. preselili u Seattle iz San Diega. Bilo je to više mjesto gdje smo mogli vježbati i snimati vlastiti materijal za Brothers zvučnog platna. S vremenom se pročulo da snimam bendove i projekte za koje su drugi ljudi smatrali da dobro zvuče. Na kraju smo se moja supruga Pegadeth i ja preselili u južni Seattle i izgradili pravi studio za snimanje sa sobom za uživo praćenje cijelih bendova uživo i malom kontrolnom sobom odvojenom od glavne prostorije. Izoštrio sam svoje vještine i proučavao mnoge aspekte onoga što je potrebno za inženjera snimanja u vremenu u kojem živimo. Na kraju sam sjeo sa suprugom i dogovorili smo se da ako želim raditi snimanje/produciranje puno radno vrijeme, Posvetio bih se tome 100%. Uz pomoć supruge u podršci moje vizije izgradnje studija, započeo sam karijeru snimanja glazbe, miksanja, masteriranja i produciranja odabranih izvođača punim radnim vremenom. Tako sam dao otkaz na svakodnevnom poslu i zaronio duboko u glazbeni ponor kako bih nastavio svoje obrazovanje. Sa stavom pokušaja vatrom krenuo sam naprijed u svoju strast za snimanjem glazbe sa što više glazbenika. Naučio sam mnogo stvari u odabranom zanatu i još uvijek ga volim raditi. Mnogo godina kasnije, studio postaje snažan i ima više posla nego ikad!
6. Za kraj, koji su Vaši budući projekti? Što biste preporučili našim čitateljima?
Ove godine imat ću četiri nova izdanja, a prvo od njih je još jedno solo izdanje pod nazivom ABERRANT koje će biti objavljeno 3. veljače 2023. na bandcampu na OVOM MJESTU. ABBERANT je moje sedmo cjelovečernje izdanje do danas. Zatim će u lipnju 2023. izaći izdanje pod nazivom FORGOTTEN SCIENCES koje će biti objavljeno na vinilu kao i moj bandcamp. Otprilike u rujnu planira se izdati puno vinil/cd/digitalno izdanje za izdavačku kuću mog prijatelja Yuggoth Records pod nazivom AMALTHEA koje će ponovno biti solo izdanje. I konačno, još uvijek radim na četvrtom izdanju za 2023. koje će sadržavati detalje kasnije ove godine. Da biste saznali više informacija, posjetite: