Yohan Kisser je mladi glazbenik iz Sao Paula, Brazil. Za Solin Live govori o svojoj glazbenoj karijeri, radijskoj emisiji koju vodi s ocem i o svome debitantskom albumu
1. To begin with, could you introduce yourself to us and tell us something about yourself?
Hello, my name is Yohan Kisser and i play guitar at Sioux 66 since 2018, a São Paulo band formed in 2011 and confirmed at 2022 edition of Rock in Rio; and at Kisser Clan, a band formed with my father to play classics of rock and metal. Now i’m starting my own solo career, in wich i play along with the eletric guitar, the nylon guitar (instrument that i graduated), piano and singing. You can find my songs in any digital plataform.
2. You have been surrounded by music since childhood; on the one hand is the influence of your father, Andreas Kisser, guitarist of the famous Sepultura, on the other hand, you were trained as a professional musician. Could you tell us how all this influenced you and your musical expression?
My will to study music came by the time i was listening to Yes or Zappa. Before that my school was Black Sabbath, Slayer, and bands that you can learn the riffs and structures by listening over and over, wich really help my ear and my guitar playing skills. By the time i got into Zappa i couldn’t understand yet harmony and teory, and that opened me for a much bigger world going back in time.
3. You played in bands like Sioux 66, Kisser Clan. You played in bands like Sioux 66, Kisser Clan. Tell us more about that, as well as the other bands you’ve played in?
Kisser Clan is my school, made me a musician on stage and way more aware of equipment, timber, tour, and everything else you can to learn in metal shows. Kisser Clan is a Rock and Metal party celebratin classics. With Sioux i released the album MMXIX in 2019 and played in the rock in rio edition of that year with them. We’re with new material about to release in the nexts months and confirmed at 2022 edition of Rock in Rio as well, our second time there.
4. You released a solo album TADPOLE. Please tell us more about your solo career and debut album.
Yes, actually i’m releasing singles, “Tadpole” is one of them, alongside with “Obra” and “Pêndulo”. It’s my firt EP, with 5 songs, there are two more to go, next one comin july 29 with a videoclip.
5.With your father, Andreas, you host the radio show Pegadas De Andreas Kisser.Tell us more about that radio show.
Pegadas de Andreas Kisser (Footsteps of AK) is 10 years radio program in the São Paulo Radio Rock (89 fm) where we interviewed many of great names in music, like Anthrax, Gary Holt, Michael Shencker and many many more. The main goal of the show is to open doors in radio to autoral band from the metal tree. Bands from all over the country, continent and world send us material every week and we put them on our show.
6.You shared the stage with Joe Perry, guitarist of Aerosmith. How did the collaboration between you and J. Perry actually come about?
It was an opportunity from the Samsung Best Of Blues and Rock Festival. Joe really showed to be a great guy, shared some words, photos and hugs as we saw each other in backstage or in press meetings. We played together in Porto Alegre and in São Paulo, for me a surreal experience.
7. Finally, which artists would you like to recommend? Will we have the opportunity to see you in Split, Croatia?
To recommend? maybe some 70’s brazilian music: Som Imaginário, O Terço, Clube da Esquina, Os Mutantes, and many many more, do your research. And maybe the Arnold Schoenberg book of Harmony… for those who never read it, start it; for those who already read, always good to start again.
1. Možete li nam se za početak predstaviti i reći nešto o sebi?
Bok, ja sam Yohan Kisser i sviram gitaru u Sioux 66 od 2018., bendu iz São Paula osnovanom 2011. i potvrđenom na izdanju Rock in Rio 2022.; i u Kisser Clanu, bend osnovan s mojim ocem za sviranje klasika rocka i metala. Sada počinjem vlastitu solo karijeru u kojoj sviram uz električnu gitaru, najlon gitaru (instrument koji sam diplomirao), klavir i pjevanje. Moje pjesme možete pronaći na bilo kojoj digitalnoj platformi.
2. Od djetinjstva si bio okružen glazbom; s jedne strane je utjecaj tvog oca, Andreasa Kissera, gitariste čuvene Sepulture, s druge strane ste školovani kao profesionalni glazbenik. Možeš li nam reći kako je sve to utjecalo na tebe i tvoj glazbeni izričaj?
Volja za studiranjem glazbe pojavila se u vrijeme kada sam slušao Yes ili Zappu. Prije toga moja škola su bili Black Sabbath, Slayer i bendovi čiji riffove i strukture možete naučiti slušajući iznova i iznova, što stvarno pomaže mom uhu i mojim vještinama sviranja gitare. Kad sam ušao u Zappu, još nisam mogao razumjeti harmoniju i teoriju, a to me otvorilo za mnogo veći svijet koji se vraća u prošlost.
3. Svirao si u bendovima kao što su Sioux 66, Kisser Clan. Svirali ste u bendovima kao što su Sioux 66, Kisser Clan. Reci nam nešto više o tome, kao i o ostalim bendovima u kojima si svirao?
Kisser Clan je moja škola, učinila me glazbenikom na pozornici i puno svjesnijim opreme, drveta, turneje i svega ostalog što možete naučiti na metal nastupima. Kisser Clan je rock i metal zabava koja slavi klasike. Sa Siouxom sam izdao album MMXIX 2019. i svirao u Rock In Rio izdanju te godine s njima. Imamo novi materijal koji će biti objavljen u sljedećim mjesecima, a potvrđeno je i na izdanju Rocka u Riju 2022., našem drugom posjetu.
4. Izdali ste solo album TADPOLE. Recite nam nešto više o svojoj solo karijeri i debitantskom albumu.
Da, zapravo objavljujem singlove, “Tadpole” je jedan od njih, uz “Obra” i “Pêndulo”. To je moj prvi EP, sa 5 pjesama, ostale su još dvije, sljedeća dolazi 29. srpnja s videospotom.
5. Sa svojim ocem, Andreasom, vodite radio emisiju Pegadas De Andreas Kisser. Recite nam nešto više o toj radio emisiji.
Pegadas de Andreas Kisser (Stopama AK) je 10-godišnji radijski program na São Paulo Radio Rocku (89 fm) gdje smo intervjuirali mnoga velika glazbena imena, poput Anthraxa, Garyja Holta, Michaela Shenckera i mnogih drugih. Glavni cilj emisije je otvoriti radijska vrata autorskom bendu s stabla metala. Bendovi iz cijele zemlje, kontinenta i svijeta šalju nam materijale svaki tjedan i mi ih stavljamo u našu emisiju.
6. Dijelili ste pozornicu s Joeom Perryjem, gitaristom Aerosmitha. Kako je zapravo došlo do suradnje između vas i J. Perryja?
Bila je to prilika sa Samsung Best Of Blues and Rock Festivala. Joe se stvarno pokazao kao sjajan tip, podijelio je nekoliko riječi, fotografija i zagrljaja dok smo se viđali u backstageu ili na sastancima s novinarima. Svirali smo zajedno u Porto Alegreu i São Paulu, za mene nadrealno iskustvo.
7. Za kraj, koje umjetnike biste preporučili? Hoćemo li te imati prilike vidjeti u Splitu, Hrvatska
Preporučiti? Možda nekakva brazilska glazba 70-ih: Som Imaginário, O Terço, Clube da Esquina, Os Mutantes i mnogi drugi, istražite. A možda knjiga Harmony Arnolda Schoenberga… za one koji je nikada nisu pročitali, započnite je; za one koji su već čitali, uvijek je dobro početi iznova.