Premda je poznat kao producent & kum grungea, odlučio sam se ukratko osvrnuti na njegov glazbeni opus.
Njegov band Skin Yard, koji se uz Soundgarden, Green River i Melvins smatraju pionirima grungea, osnovan je 1985., s Jackom Endinom na gitari, basistom Danielom Houseom, pri čemu su im se kasnije pridružili Ben McMillan kao vokal i Matt Cameron na bubnjevima.Ubrzo se pojavljuju na čuvenoj kompilaciji Deep Six, a njihov debut album izlazi 1987. Premda je zvuk albuma bio bliži zvuku King Crimsona nego grungeu, ipak tu su stvari poput Epitaph For Yesterday, Dear Deceased koje bi mogao nazvati grunge. Naredni albumi kao što su Hallowed Ground, Fist Sized Chunkes (gdje su kao gosti došli Tommy Niemeyer i Helios Creed) odmakli su se art zvuka , te samo su učvrstili stil koji će biti popularan za par godina; Open Fist je nešto što bi Pearl Jam obradili, a Hallowed Ground, Slow Runner, Throught Nothing priziva žestinu Alice In Chainsa. Sljedeći album, 1000 Smiling Knuckles se smatra najboljim albumom, dok sama naslovna pjesma bi trebala biti u rangu Nirvanine Teen Spirit & Pearl Jamovog Alive. Jasno tu su stvari koje nisu za baciti kao: Words On The Bone, Headswill, Material Freak, Jezechrist. Osobno, smatram da je s ovim albumom J. Endino zaslužuje titulu gitarističkog virtuoza. Posljednji album, Inside The Eye, snimljen je bez D. Housea, kojeg je kao basistu zamjenio Pat Pederson. Sve u svemu, riječ je o kvalitetnom albumu s sjajnim stvarima, uz naslovnu pjesmu, Not In Love, Western Wall, Across The Wind, Across The Wind, Slowdive.
Iako je tada bio aktivan u Skin Yardu, Jack Endino 1989. objavljuje svoj prvi solo album, Angle Of Attack, gdje je on sve samo odsvirao, uz malu pomoć Greg Gilmorea, bubnjara 10 Minutes Warning, Land, Skin Yard, Mother Love Bone. Premda je album imao grunge stvari (Salvation, Big Seth, Naive Bid For HM Stardom), bio je dosta blizak eksperimentalnom, ambijentnom zvuku (Folks, Let’s Nebulate, Sideways Savannah, Post – X).
Sljedeći solo album, Endino’s Earthworm, je izažao taman u trenutku grunge eksplozije. Sam album je u jednu ruku bi nazvao supergrupom, pošto su kao gosti na album došli kolege iz Seattle scene: Barrett Martin, Greg Gilmore, Daniel House, Rob Skinner. Sam album se naslanjao na riffove Black Sabbatha i punk energiju: See Right Through Me (čistokrvni grunge), Talk Yourself Blind (tipična formula sporo – brzo, uobičajna za rock 90’ih), predrađena pjesma Skin Yarda American Nightmare.
Treći solo album, Permanent Fatal Error, objavljen nakon 12.godina, uz dakako uz podršku starih kolega & prijatelja s Seattle scene, nije izgubio energiju: punkoidne Count On Me, Elusive, kao i Strangelove, Follow The Sun.
Jasno, tu je i suradnja s ostalim izvođačima, kao što su Ultra MK, Kandi Coded, Beyond Captain Orca, Sky Cries Mary, Purple Strange . Jasno, trebao bih još reći ovim projektima, no bojim se da bi o tome trebala biti napisana knjiga. Stoga, dok preslušavate Nirvanu, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, dajte priliku Jacku Endinu. Nećete požaliti.
Although he is known as the producer & godfather of grunge, I decided to take a brief look at his musical opus. His band Skin Yard, which along Soundgarden, Green River and Melvins are considered pioneers of grunge, was founded in 1985, with Jack Endino on guitar, bass player Daniel House, they were later joined by Ben McMillan on vocals and Matt Cameron on drums. They soon appeared on the famous compilation Deep Six, and their debut album came out in 1987. Although the sound of the album was closer to the sound of King Crimson than grunge, there are still things like Epitaph For Yesterday, Dear Deceased which I might call grunge. Subsequent albums such as Hallowed Ground, Fist Sized Chunkes (where Tommy Niemeyer and Helios Creed came as guests) moved away from art sound, and only solidified a style that would be popular in a couple of years; Open Fist is something Pearl Jam would cover, while Hallowed Ground, Slow Runner, Throught Nothing evokes the heaviness of Alice In Chains. The next album, 1000 Smiling Knuckles is considered the best album, while the title track itself should be in the range of Nirvana’s Teen Spirit & Pearl Jam’s Alive. Clearly there are things not to throw away like: Words On The Bone, Headswill, Material Freak, Jezechrist. Personally, I think that with this album J. Endino deserves the title of guitar virtuoso. The latest album, Inside The Eye, was recorded without D. House, who was replaced as bassist by Pat Pederson. All in all, this is a quality album with great stuff, with the title track, Not In Love, Western Wall, Across The Wind, Across The Wind, Slowdive
Although he was active in Skin Yard at the time, Jack Endino released his first solo album, Angle Of Attack, in 1989, where he just played it all, with a little help from Greg Gilmore, drummer of 10 Minutes Warning, Land, Skin Yard, Mother Love Bone. Although the album had grunge stuff (Salvation, Big Seth, Naive Bid For HM Stardom), it was pretty close to experimental, ambient sound (Folks, Let’s Nebulate, Sideways Savannah, Post-X).
The next solo album, Endino’s Earthworm, came out just in time for the grunge explosion. The album itself would be called a supergroup, as colleagues from the Seattle scene came to the album: Barrett Martin, Greg Gilmore, Daniel House, Rob Skinner. The album itself relied on Black Sabbath riffs and punk energy: See Right Through Me (purebred grunge), Talk Yourself Blind (a typical slow-fast formula, common for 90s rock), a reworked song by Skin Yard American Nightmare.
The third solo album, Permanent Fatal Error, released after 12 years, with of course the support of old colleagues & friends from the Seattle scene, did not lose energy: the punkoid Count On Me, Elusive, as well as Strangelove, Follow The Sun.
Clearly, there is also collaboration with other artists, such as Ultra MK, Kandi Coded, Beyond Captain Orca, Sky Cries Mary, Purple Strange . Clearly, I should say more about these projects, but I’m afraid a book should be written about it. So while listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, give Jack Endino a chance. You won’t be sorry.