Purple Strange je američki rock bend (bolje reći supergrupa) koju čine veterani Seattle scene 90’ih: Kurt Danielson-bas, Jack Endino-gitara, Ron Rudzits-gitara, Mathew Vandenberghe-bubnjevi, Jared Stroud-vokal.
Album počinje s Honeybowl Leper, akustičnim uvodom s glasnim refernom.
Queen Of The Rivers je balada, na tragu psihodelije 60’ih kao što je Cream, kao i Fake Forrest, samo s prizvukom na Doorse.
Deep Roads, Sideways, As It Were su tipični zvuk 90’ih, samim time daje albumu posebnu čar što samim time nije ništa iznenađujuće pošto je ipak riječ o bendu kojeg čine veterani Seattle Scene 90’ih, dok The Shine se naslanja dosta na klasični rock, koji ima potencijala za biti radio-hit.
Na kraju albuma je World Of The Mouth, balada s kojom završava album, time ga upotpunjuje, dajući mu specifičan ugođaj.
Sve što mogu reći da je riječ o kvalitetnom rock albumu, koji bi najbolje može proći kod ljubitelja zvuka 90’ih kao i klasičnog rocka.
Purple Strange is an American rock band (better said a supergroup) made up of veterans of the Seattle scene of the 90s: Kurt Danielson-bass, Jack Endino-guitar, Ron Rudzits-guitar, Mathew Vandenberghe-drums, Jared Stroud-vocals.
The album begins with Honeybowl Leper, an acoustic introduction with loud recommendations.
Queen Of The Rivers is a ballad, on the trail of 60s psychedelia such as Cream, as well as Fake Forrest, only with a touch of Doorse.
Deep Roads, Sideways, As It Were were the typical sound of the 90’s, thus giving the album a special charm, which is not surprising since it is a band made up of Seattle Scene veterans of the 90’s, while The Shine relies a lot on classic rock, which has the potential to be a radio hit.
At the end of album is World Of The Mouth, the ballad with which the album ends, thus completing it, giving it a specific atmosphere.All I can say is about a quality rock album, which could best go with fans of the sound of the 90’s as well as classic rock.