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Zanimljivosti ZP Izdvojeno




Biti glazbeni producent, najbolji bi opis bio vezan uz sport. Ako je bend momčad, tada, kao trener to je glazbeni producent, a to je najbolji opis za Scott Burnsa. Scott Burns je američki producent koji je najpoznatiji po radu s death metal glazbom, i to ponajviše s floridskom scenom. Iako je po struci računalni inženjer, njegovi počeci kao producent, sežu iz tinejđerskih dana, kada je bio tonac lokalnom bendu. Početkom 80’ih, Scott Burns počinje raditi u Morrisound Recording, lokalnom studio za glazbenu produkciju, pa samim time počinje njegova suradnja s imenima kao što su Death, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Sepultura. Kao i svatko u svojoj karijeri, njegov vrhunac u karijeri je bio suradnja s brazilskim legendama Sepultura na albumima Beneath The Remains i Arise, koji se smatraju vrhuncem njihove kreativnosti, te lokalnim bendom, Death, pioniri samog žanra, predvođeni gitarističkim virtuozom, pokojnim Chuck Schuldinerom. Dovoljno je samo spomeniti izjavu Scott Burnsa, kako je sam Schuldiner centar death metal svemira. Sam death metal, kao jedan od najekstremnijeg glazbenog pravca, bio je predmet kontroverzi, no to uopće naštetilo karijeri S. Burnsa. Naprotiv, to je samo podiglo njegov kredibilitet kao producent, pa tako, iako je nosio epitet “death metal producent”, surađivao je s imenima koji nisu vezan uz taj glazbeni pravac, kao što su KMFDM, Slap of Reality, Gravitiy Kills. Sada, Scott Burns se potpunosti maknuo iz glazbenog svijeta u potpunu anonimnost, no bez obzira na sve, svi znaju za njegovo ime .

Being a music producer, the best description would be related to sports. If the band is a team, then, as a coach it’s a music producer, and that’s the best description for Scott Burns. Scott Burns is an American producer best known for his work with death metal music, especially with the Florida scene. Although he is a computer engineer by profession, his beginnings as a producer date back to his teenage days, when he was a soundman to a local band. In the early 80’s, Scott Burns started working at Morrisound Recording, a local music production studio, and thus began his collaboration with names such as Death, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Sepultura. Like everyone in his career, his highlight was a collaboration with Brazilian legends Sepultura on the albums Beneath The Remains and Arise, considered the pinnacle of their creativity, and a local band, Death, pioneers of the genre, led by guitar virtuoso, the late Chuck Schuldiner. . Suffice it to mention Scott Burns’ statement that Schuldiner himself is the center of the death metal universe. Death metal itself, as one of the most extreme musical genres, has been the subject of controversy, but it has harmed S. Burns ’career in general. On the contrary, it only boosted his credibility as a producer, so even though he carried the epithet “death metal producer,” he collaborated with names unrelated to that musical direction, such as KMFDM, Slap of Reality, Gravitiy Kills. Now, Scott Burns has completely moved away from the music world into complete anonymity, but no matter what, everyone knows his name.



Student morskog ribarstva u Splitu, član umjetničke udruge Dadanti gdje obavljam funkciju voditelja glazbenog odjela i glumačke družine Banana Split. Bavim se poezijom, glumom, glazbom, novinarstvom i performansima...