Sami počeci ove čuvene diskografske kuće, sežu krajem 70’ih. Inspiriran britanskim sastavima kao što su Sex Pistols, Clash, gitarist Greg Ginn pokreće svoj punk sastav, Panic, koji ubrzo preimenuje u Black Flag. Od samih početaka, Black Flag je bio poznat po energetičkim nastupima. Uz Black Flag, Ginn pokreće svoju, nezavisnu diskografsku kuću, SST, koja zapravo bila firma za prodaju radijskih antena. Ubrzo, Black Flag dobiva ponudu za objavljivanje prvog dugosvirajućeg albumaDamaged, od diskografske kuće Unicorn, no zbog pravnih razloga i tekstova pjesama, album Damaged se nije mogao objaviti, sve dok nije ta diskografska kuća Unicorn nije otišla u bankrot. U međuvremenu, SST je sve više rastao, postajući tako konkurencija tkz. “korporativnom rocku”, te unatoč problema s Unicorn, SST je objavljivao albume raznih izvođača: Husker Du, Minuteman, Meat Puppets, Saint Vitus. Iako je Ginn bio mastermind koji je bio glavni pokretač, nesmijemo izostaviti ključne figure koje su pomogli razvoju SST-a: basist Black Flaga i doprijedsednik SST-a Chuck Dukowski, su-vlasnik SST-a Joe Carducci, roadie i tonac Steve “Mugger” Corbin , Ginnov brat Raymond Pettibont koji je zapravo poznati ilustrator, producent Spot koji je za SST bio ono što Phil Spector bio za Motown Records, i dakako Henry Rollins, za kojeg je suvišno govoriti. Iako je SST imao reputaciju ugledne diskografske kuće, problemi su ponovno počeli javljati; bilo to od lokalne policije, isplaćivanje honorara ili pak tužbe od strane U2 jer jedan bend s SST, Negativeland samplirao. Svi ovi čimbenici doveli su SST do stanja hibernacije, pogotovo u 90’ima, gdje je SST isključivo objavljivao Ginnove projekte. Iako SST nije aktivan onako kakav je bio u 80’ima, njegovo djelovanje je podosta utjecalo na pokretanje nezavisnih diskografskih kuća kao što su Sub-Pop, Slušaj Najglasnije i PIG Records. Zapravo, nitko nije bolje opisao SST od Rollinsa u svojoj knjizi “Upadaj u kombi”: Radili smo ono što nitko radio dosad.
The very beginnings of this famous record company date back to the late 70’s. Inspired by British bands such as the Sex Pistols, Clash, guitarist Greg Ginn launched his punk band, Panic, which he soon renamed Black Flag. From the very beginning, Black Flag has been known for energetic performances. Along with Black Flag, Ginn runs his own, independent record label, SST, which was actually a company selling radio antennas. Soon, Black Flag received an offer to release Damaged’s first full-length album, from Unicorn, but due to legal reasons and lyrics, Damaged could not be released until Unicorn went bankrupt. In the meantime, SST grew more and more, thus becoming a competition of the so-called. “corporate rock”, and despite the problems with Unicorn, SST has released albums by various artists: Husker Du, Minuteman, Meat Puppets, Saint Vitus. Although Ginn was the mastermind who was the main driver, we must not omit the key figures who helped develop SST: Black Flag bassist and SST vice president Chuck Dukowski, SST co-owner Joe Carducci, roadie and sound engineer Steve “Mugger” Corbin, Ginn’s brother Raymond Pettibont who is actually a famous illustrator, the Spot producer who for SST was what Phil Spector was for Motown Records, and of course Henry Rollins, who is needless to talk about. Although SST had a reputation as a reputable record label, problems began to reappear; be it from the local police, the payment of fees or a lawsuit by U2 because one band from SST, Negativeland sampled. All of these factors led SST to a state of hibernation, especially in the 90s, where SST exclusively published Ginn projects. Although SST is not as active as it was in the 80’s, its activities have greatly influenced the launch of independent record labels such as Sub-Pop, Listen Loudest and PIG Records. In fact, no one has described SST better than Rollins in his book Get Into the Van: We’ve done what no one has done before.